
Ok, so if you read my last one of these then you know who this is about, also this happened a few days ago. So as I said I have a class with her and of course like a day after I rant about her my teacher decides to sit us like right next to each other. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do but I'm already basically failing that class and there goes all the focus I have... God why do I have to be so gay?


Ok, so if you read my last one of these then you know who this is about, also this happened a few days ago. So as I said I have a class with her and of course like a day after I rant about her my teacher decides to sit us like right next to each other. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do but I'm already basically failing that class and there goes all the focus I have... God why do I have to be so gay?


Ok, I know I didn't really do much on here anymore but this is the most anonymous platform I have and the only person who knows me IRL won't say anything, so there's this girl in my school who I genuinely don't know if I like her or if I just want to be a good friend of hers. She the nicest person I've ever met and supper funny. She calls me her freshman mom and makes a point to talk to me every morning, I don't know if she's like this with everyone and I'm reading to much in to it or if she is interested, even if it's just slightly. I was participating in a school activity with her that is basically or is over (depends on how the football game tonight ended)  I have one class with her and it can get kinda award as I suck a talking with people and don't want her to figure it out before I even do. If anyone has any ideas on how I should handle this please feel free to share although this is more a me ranting. :)


this message may be offensive
My mom's response to me telling her my sister fliked me eye is bullshit


Not even asking if I was ok first