
So what are you guy's thoughts on OC x OC stuff? Or is this definitely not the place for that?
          	I ask because I've never seen OC x OC stuff on here. I think lmao, at least not for TF.


I'm honestly really sorry to everyone who's actually wanting to read more from me, my focus has just been a lot more on my art than my literature. ^^' I'd love to finish my main story, but I've had kind of a difficult time finding the inspiration.


Oh look at that! I found you on both site! Facebook and Wattpad! What a weird coincidence! And... I want to draw your Oc though... Because I'm gay af


@SkyLLeX_is_Queen *rubs hands together evilly with anticipation* Huehuehuehue~


this message may be offensive
@SkyLLeX_is_Queen Holy shit really????? O///.///O Go right ahead lmao ;D