
Yikes, I'm sorry to announce I'm taking down my story "Off For A Walk" I'm sorry to the few people who read it!! I'm working more on the plot and then (with any luck) I'll be putting it back up!! thanks!


Howdydoo, I’m probably the most annoying of your day BUT, I was just wondering if you could check out my new poetry book called “raindrops and honeysuckles” it’s filled with small poems that I’ve written. 
            It would mean a great lot to me if you read and maybe gave me some feedback. Have a wonderful day, toodles (:


@BrianneMorris  Of course! I can't wait to check it out, and no you're not annoying!


Yikes, I'm sorry to announce I'm taking down my story "Off For A Walk" I'm sorry to the few people who read it!! I'm working more on the plot and then (with any luck) I'll be putting it back up!! thanks!


Also, I've recently opened a cover store on wattpad which offers some eye-catching covers on demand. 
          So, I request you to check out my book "Whirlwind Cover Shop" once and if like then fill a very simple form to order your desires cover. 
          Thank you.❤