
this message may be offensive
bro I fell down the stairs at school on like wednesday or something, and now I have this GIANT bruise on my leg. My dumbass keeps poking it and it hurts like hell...


@JustCharliw That's Like Me! whenever I get hurt, I poke at it and I have no idea why I do it! I hope you're doing alright


I'm fine btw! it was nothing serious, my leg just hurt a lot in the moment and I have a few bruises on my leg now, but nothing too serious! :)


this message may be offensive
bro I fell down the stairs at school on like wednesday or something, and now I have this GIANT bruise on my leg. My dumbass keeps poking it and it hurts like hell...


@JustCharliw That's Like Me! whenever I get hurt, I poke at it and I have no idea why I do it! I hope you're doing alright


I'm fine btw! it was nothing serious, my leg just hurt a lot in the moment and I have a few bruises on my leg now, but nothing too serious! :)


I'm gonna fail my first test in my entire life, and on purpose.
          basically, the teacher said we'd have to do a song about the subject and sing it. first, I'm shy af and would literally die if I did that; second, my group for the project was horrible and I'm sure I'd do the whole project by myself.
          So, after a bit of basically begging the teacher, she let me do a recuperation test worth 6/10 (it usually is worth only 3). So, I accepted it.
          My mom's kinda disappointed but my dad is okay with it. Am I wrong for failing a test for the first time simply because I'm too shy to do sing?


@ SamanthaQuarrie  thank you!! I was feeling guilty mostly because I have mostly perfect grades (my average being 8-9 out of 10), and having to do a test that is worth 6 maximum was really scary, but I really don't want to sing for the whole class. I'm glad that someone actually understands my point! :)


@JustCharliw your not wrong. I would do the same thing, I love singing and told I have a good voice but I'm also shy af. it should be up to you if you want to do it or not


so, I play genshin impact (kinda obvious cuz of pfp)
          I was playing the Liyue Archon Quest, and the whole damn time I was just like "OMGG Ningguang!! :0"
          she's so pretty and so cool, I am pissed she is just a 4 star :(( SHE'S SO POWERFUL IN THE BATTLE AND THEN SHE'S HORRIBLE WHEN SHE BECOMES PLAYABLE! >:(


Ningguang and Lisa>>>> 
            (I love them so much)


I'M SO HAPPY RN!!! my little cousin (pretty sure she's 4 years old) came up to me and was like "HEY [name] I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!!"
          it was a little heart-shaped paper written "for who takes care of me", and when you opened it, it said "kisses, care, hugs", so she kissed my cheek and hugged me!!
          I love that child so much!!!


literally my fav cousin!!


I went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 4am... I had a headache all day bro.


@ SamanthaQuarrie  yeah, same!! I wake at 5:40 since school starts at 7am, so waking up at 4am was kinda hard 


@JustCharliw I usually wake up a 5am, I got used to it. it helped me mentally prepare myself for school


I needed to finish a project lmao


I'm sorry for not being active lately (both in reading/commenting and writing), school is really taking my time and I just simply don't have the energy to do much lately.
          Ik I keep making promises to write and I don't keep them, so I won't anymore. No promises that I will be updating anytime soon, although I might at some point.
          I'm also sorry to everyone who reads my Stranger Things stories, I won't update them anymore (at least for now), because I kinda fell out of the fandom and I'm not as interested in it anymore, since now I'm kinda into MH and Genshin Impact more.
          That's it for now! <3


@ SamanthaQuarrie  thank you! even though I'm still in middle school lol (middle school goes until 9th here, and high school is counted as 1st-3rd year)


@JustCharliw That's Fine! I know how tough High school is, I'm a freshman and I already have homework for every class! but take your time to write and leave comments, no one is making you do it everyday. although I love your comments I can wait for them. just take your time so you aren't so stressed


@ JustCharliw  btw I will still be active here sometimes, I just won't be writing as much! I'm still reading some stories.


today my geography teacher almost passed out in class, so of course some students went outside to call someone and also to get her some water. the principal noticed this and IMMEDIATELY scolded us for being outside, and even told us to "do the work assigned" (there was no work, the teacher was explaining the subject), when we said there was none, she said "then just read the textbook. in high-school, you won't have everything at the palm of your hand!". like, okay, but the way she said it sounded like she wanted to tell us there would be no one teaching us the subject or something. literally why I hate that woman.


@ SamanthaQuarrie  omg, that totally sucks! just like my portuguese teacher (I'm brazilian), he gives us like 10 pages due in one or two days. annoying af.


and also, she called everyone stupid for not completing the homework. she gives us homework every day and is due the next day! and she acts like we don't have other classes who also give us homework. but at least they give us at least 2 days to finish it. my earth science teacher is nice and usually gives us an extra day


@JustCharliw my teachers are like that. they think there are no excuses for anything. I missed school on Monday and I missed a math lesson and on Tuesday she made me take it and said it was my fault for missing school