
I should really study, but I'm hit with so much inspiration right now, if don't let it out it's gonna disappear. I want to publish as much chapters as I can while it lasts. I'm dieing inside a little bit.


no me importa si actualizas cada año yo aquí esperare todo el tiempo necesario. ❤️


@sombrerillo I'm glad to hear that. I know I take long time between the chapters, but I'm trying my best. I'm happy have readers who enjoy my content regardless of how slowly it gets updated.


So, I got this idea about writing your turn to die x Mastermind reader fanfiction, unlike the one-shots this will be a full blown story in a separate book. I'm not sure if I might be able to get it updated as often as I'd like to because school! That's making me a bit conflicted about it. What do you think? Should I go for it even if updates may take weeks?