
New post on COATC - Nobody Perfect, just wrote a few words of encouragement.  Another one should drop later tonight to make up for my absence, I've been writing this one for some time and now I think is a good time to release it.


Hello! My name is Esther. I just recently followed your account and I've been reading Chronicles of a Teenage Christian. As a result, I've been walking closer to God and really working on my relationship with Him. I appreciate how real and open you are. It helped me to be more honest with myself in needing to do better as a Teenage Christian. Just wanted to share my experience. I was hoping you could keep updating? God bless   


@therealestlove7 Thank you so much for messaging me, it really reminds me why I started this in the first place. I'm so glad you are getting closer to Him, keep doing what you need to do. I just updated and there will be more to come. God Bless you too sis x


New post on COATC - Nobody Perfect, just wrote a few words of encouragement.  Another one should drop later tonight to make up for my absence, I've been writing this one for some time and now I think is a good time to release it.


Sorry i haven't posted for a while guys, I'll post this week it's just a lot has been going on atm. I'm so disappointed to say that I've slipped back with my bible study again but I'm getting back to it. I'll talk about it more in my next post.


I know it's 5am in the UK but I couldn't sleep until I wrote what happened when God showed up.  So that's 2 posts for you in less than 6 hours. It's a long one just so you know and it's got a lot of verses in it so please be ready to make note of them. Good morning x


New post on Chronicles... (Miserable and I don't know why!) I shared one of my journal entries with you which is really hard because I'm not good at being transparent but on this occasion I had to. 
          Have a great week guys x