
What image says: 
          	ttvbeardedbeast 2h
          	@moth_alien grow thicker skin or learn what a block button is. If you are bullied online it's your own fault and you are wanting it to occur.
          	Cyber bullying isn't real. Not when an easy solution to end it exists.


What image says: 
          ttvbeardedbeast 2h
          @moth_alien grow thicker skin or learn what a block button is. If you are bullied online it's your own fault and you are wanting it to occur.
          Cyber bullying isn't real. Not when an easy solution to end it exists.


this message may be offensive
Dear Anyone who reads this,
          It’s clear you guys don’t understand or care about what mental hospitals do to people. It hurts and kills people.
          I was threatened with mental hospitals/wards stays growing up and I’m traumatized by it. You don’t care or understand it! I have traumatic flashbacks from those times, nightmares, and what ifs!
          I’m scared I’ll lose scared myself and forget about my friends, cartoons, etc. I might be broken and forced to give up my cartoons and toys. I won’t have emotions anymore and be brainwashed! I might even kill myself.
          But you don’t care, do you? It’s all for control isn’t it? So you can have a robot or a doll, to control and force to obey you. That’s all you guys care about isn’t it! You don’t even love me! You only want control over me  my life and mind!
          I’m done you’re not my fucking family anymore. I only trust Aunt Mary now. I fucking hate Tonya and her family and this family. Hope you’re happy losing me.


No one cares or cared about that I was threatened with boarding/reform school/boot camp/TTI/mental hospitals/jail/prison to be brainwashed into a "stupid robot with no emotions" so they say that I'm cured and controlled and not be different!
          They won't regret it they'll be happy that I'm a robot and not the real person that I actually am. They burn/break/sell my stuff so I can't break free and escape from them. Don't even think mom would know or care about it. They force me tho get married (I don't want marriage at all!)
          This might last for years until A. I break free or B. I die. Maybe they'll come to their senses and see unhappy I am... no wait they WON'T! Cause almost all of them are Narcissists/Abusers.
          Either a robot or someone who goes into crime. Neither are good. Afterwards they’re (my ex family) will beat me black and blue and torture me. Get the school to torture me. Try to get me to get “demons” out.