
Hi. This is Juliette. Due to certain circumstances, I am forced to my books to my co-author account: Aaron-Juliette. The books will still be on here but only be updated on the other account. Im sorry to have to do this to you. I hope you still remain my faithful readers.


Hi. This is Juliette. Due to certain circumstances, I am forced to my books to my co-author account: Aaron-Juliette. The books will still be on here but only be updated on the other account. Im sorry to have to do this to you. I hope you still remain my faithful readers.


As an apology for neglecting my dear readers, I have uploaded 5 new chapters to From Within the Ashes. Go ahead and read. I promise that I'll have up to two new chapters published by the next weekend. Don't forget to give your insight into my novel. Thank you.


Hey Jules. I gtg take a shower. Hailey is coming over soon so c ya.


@missgeeky77 I don't know. It just got lost among the rest of my stories. I'll dig it up and see. Til then, why don't you check out my new book, From Within the Ashes?


@BriarRoseEverhart when will the update for playing the same game be?