
Couple of things...have updated The Holiday (more to come on that) and have carried on in Drabbles. They are more stand alone stories than a continuation of the narrative. Send me some Drabble prompts and I'll write them xx


Another few drabble prompts for you:
          "The one where they danced all night"
          "The one where they meet for coffee"
          "The one where they go on vacation"
          "The one where they watch the sunrise"
          Maybe a Barlowen, or OFC pairing with either Mark or Gary, I'll let you decide ;)


Some more drabble prompts for you: 


That's part of what I love about drabbles, you don't need to come up with lengthy narratives or clever plot devices, it's just there, 100 words for people to make their own minds up about. 
            I'm behind on The Holiday, although I loved the first chapter. Will make sure I catch up! 


Drabbles are working out well and I find it easy to grab the time to write them. I'm enjoying writing The Holiday though. Won't get any more time to write until Wednesday though. Easter will be busy.
            I look forward to reading some of yours before then...I hope!!


Slowly. I haven't had much time to write lately, work's really busy and I've been away but hopefully I might get a chance to write over Easter! 
            How's writing for you? You seem to be loving the drabbles :) X 


Another idea/challenge, myself and GemsTT have been attempting if  you're up for more challenges is to write a Five Things... you can base it on anything you like. 
          For instance... Five things she loves about him, or Five times they almost kissed (and the time they did kiss)... (technically that's six things, but you add the +1 on the end. ) 
          Another is Five times they danced (and the one time they didnt)
          Five times Gary struck out
          Five times he ended up in her bed, (and the one time he didn't)
          Five times he almost ended up in her bed, (and the one time he did)
          Five times he wished he'd said he loved her/him
          Soooo many possibilities... 
          Have a go if you want to... I look forward to reading whatever you decide...


@novemberzulujuliet Yes I did a couple of so, if I remember correctly


Have you done some on your page? I'll have a look. Sounds interesting.


Couple of things...have updated The Holiday (more to come on that) and have carried on in Drabbles. They are more stand alone stories than a continuation of the narrative. Send me some Drabble prompts and I'll write them xx


Omg! It just shows how long I've been AWOL. Just found you written so many drabbles and I've missed so much! Well done my friend! Great start! Keep going! 


I think I'm addicted!! Was trying to keep up with the trip in real time but they've left Singapore now and I'm still in Gary's hotel room in Bangkok!  oh well, will carry on regardless.