
Hello my lovelies! 
          	Many things might have happened since we last spoke. Zayn Malik left 1D. Meg Cabot released more Princess Diaries novels. I've changed my username (again). Season 5 of Suits has just started again. Weirdly enough, I have just released a short story after a year.  
          	I wrote this one in high school, and it deals with a subject which is really close to my heart. Hopefully this is the story that gets me writing again. 
          	I hope you enjoy reading it!
          	Love and Harvey Specter, 


Hello my lovelies! 
          Many things might have happened since we last spoke. Zayn Malik left 1D. Meg Cabot released more Princess Diaries novels. I've changed my username (again). Season 5 of Suits has just started again. Weirdly enough, I have just released a short story after a year.  
          I wrote this one in high school, and it deals with a subject which is really close to my heart. Hopefully this is the story that gets me writing again. 
          I hope you enjoy reading it!
          Love and Harvey Specter, 


hey Jugni, thank you for voting for Parayi, hope you like it :)
          feel free to share your thoughts through comments :)


@Jugni_Ri I will check, thanks :)


@KanchanMehta Planning to visit. hopefully soon! 
            Just checked and the movie has been uploaded to youtube in parts if you're interested


@Jugni_Ri :)
            so you ever came to India or planning to come in future :)


@Jugni_Ri OMG!!!! YAASSSSS!!! I'm frikin freaking out about Bang Bang! I so want to watch it and I'm hoping they will still show it 3 days after its release date in city. America -_-... But OMG!! Katrina looks beautiful. Meherbaan and Bang Bang title track thoo...AAAAAHHHHH!!! :)


Critics were big dou.chebags.  Like it was better than all Salman Khan masala movies put together. And they gave Dabangg 2 a better rating than Bang Bang, like really bro?
            And it wasn't EXACTLY like the original. The storyline was different. Some parts were like re-enacted. You know, like, the house picture he got on his phone, him being a really good swimmer, that scene where she's drugged and can't stop laughing (she didn't laugh in this one, though). But Katrina's character got drugged like so many times. LMAO! 
            OMG! I am so excited about her entry in Madame Tussauds. BRROO!! I was just like: You deserve it, girl. Some people are just like wow, one of the worst actresses gets the best honor, and I was just like: Not gonna say sh.it. 
            I'M SO EXCITED!!1


@hkaur2 Critics were really anti-bang bang. They weren't evwn that harsh towards the usual masala movies. I haven't seen it yet :/ Was it exactly like the original? 
            What do you think about Katrina's entry to Madame Tussauds?


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YES I WENT TO SEE IT! HOLY EFFIN SHIT!!! YAASSS!!! I had to lie to my dad, but omfg! I was crying throughout the movie (it wasn't emotional, except maybe 2 parts..but i cried because i got to see katrina on the big screen) IT WAS AMAZING! Reviews are effin biased and just want to see shit like Chennai Express and Dabangg..like the action looked realistic, the romance developed, there was character development, and it was funny..wtf do ppl want? like dafuq bro?!


hey can u write a fanfic about sidneeti.. parineeti and siddharth


@Jugni_Ri yeah please try ♥


@_WajeehaQureshi_ I hope they do another movie together. Hasee Toh Phasee is now one of my all time faves! I could try, no promises :)