
Okay, my South Park obsession has gotten a little bit out of hand. Today, I purchased Cartman’s beanie from the South Park website, I’m fr gonna wear that around town. I also started dressing a lot more like they do in the show, I’ve been wearing a lot of jackets and sweaters. I as well have quite a few of the Funk Pops (including the San Diego Comic Cons), I have a South Park cd, I have all the seasons on dvd, and I am a little ashamed to admit that I have a South Park LEGO set. 


@JourneyToSelfLove i feel like im also getting to this point


Okay, my South Park obsession has gotten a little bit out of hand. Today, I purchased Cartman’s beanie from the South Park website, I’m fr gonna wear that around town. I also started dressing a lot more like they do in the show, I’ve been wearing a lot of jackets and sweaters. I as well have quite a few of the Funk Pops (including the San Diego Comic Cons), I have a South Park cd, I have all the seasons on dvd, and I am a little ashamed to admit that I have a South Park LEGO set. 


@JourneyToSelfLove i feel like im also getting to this point


My cats claw got stuck in my hand and tore one of my veins. My bed is covered with blood :) 


@nonexistant_nugget ugh. dude i know, it’s awful. i don’t even know how to use a washing machine 


My dude, that is no good! Blood is so hard to get out of sheets. It just stains everything.


If you had to choose what would you pick, double fudge or Angela?


@JourneyToSelfLove I’ve watched the office, what’s the double fudge referring to? Her brownies(pretty sure it’s hers)? I adore Angela though. She’s so uptight.


@nonexistant_nugget it’s a reference to the office 


@JourneyToSelfLove I probably shouldn't answer if I'm confused, but double fudge is pretty good ice cream so I'm just gonna say that?


Oh btw I haven’t been active because I got banned for three days because I “post offensive content”. Sorry, to anyone who finds my rants in anyway offensive or harsh. I honestly don’t know how they are, I post what’s on my mind without thinking about the effect it could have on people. If language is the problem, I will start censoring my rants. Tbh I find this whole situation funny asf.


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I’m not into South Park or this app anymore. I only come here to rant (if I remember) or read “No Homo”. Y’all that book is the shit, it’s so funny and interesting. Unlike most stories have a steady storyline that never seems to get fucked up in some way. If you like South Park or Creek I suggest reading that.