
So here's the deal guys, every weekend I'm gonna add a new chapter to my story. Part of this, is to come up with new ideas for the next chapter. And we'll, the next part you'll hate me for it but it's a good kind of hate! The first chapter I will publish later! Stay tuned


@JoshuaCollins8 Good luck and remember to have fun bro 


So here's the deal guys, every weekend I'm gonna add a new chapter to my story. Part of this, is to come up with new ideas for the next chapter. And we'll, the next part you'll hate me for it but it's a good kind of hate! The first chapter I will publish later! Stay tuned


@JoshuaCollins8 Good luck and remember to have fun bro 


Hey guys! Just to let you know I'm going to start writing some stories involving some DC comics characters. The stories will be totally made up but the characters I will use are from DC comics. So don't accuse me of copyright this is why I'm posting this update now.


@JoshuaCollins8 Alright kool but don't forget about Infamous bro 