
Oh wow, it's another boat of "Josoph disappears for three months and then begs for forgiveness with a single chapter" and this time I don't even have that much 
          	THhankfully, finals should be wrapping up soon (as long as I don't become horribly diseased), so I should finally be able to get started writing again (not even that I stopped, things just take ages to do lmao--)
          	Also I made an AO3 account, as well as a Tumblr. Look how internet savvy I am! They both boat a grand display of absolutely nothing (and the AO3 isn't going to hold any of my Genshin stuff either, so I'm no longer sure why I mention it. I suppose if you're into really niche ships with obscure characters whose names I refuse to disclose, you can go check it out?). Both websites are @Joshooop


Bout** DANGGIT, this is what I get for typing this on a gods damnned Kindle Fire 


Oh wow, it's another boat of "Josoph disappears for three months and then begs for forgiveness with a single chapter" and this time I don't even have that much 
          THhankfully, finals should be wrapping up soon (as long as I don't become horribly diseased), so I should finally be able to get started writing again (not even that I stopped, things just take ages to do lmao--)
          Also I made an AO3 account, as well as a Tumblr. Look how internet savvy I am! They both boat a grand display of absolutely nothing (and the AO3 isn't going to hold any of my Genshin stuff either, so I'm no longer sure why I mention it. I suppose if you're into really niche ships with obscure characters whose names I refuse to disclose, you can go check it out?). Both websites are @Joshooop


Bout** DANGGIT, this is what I get for typing this on a gods damnned Kindle Fire 


Wooooo yeahhh, Disease of the Mind is number one in...Stasis
          These tags really don't mean anything 
          why did I even put stasis as a tag


            I welcome you to the terrible club --


@Joshooop I just came here from that one Childe youtube playlist HDFHSHSHH


Agahah so I swear that I AM working on the next chapter for Spindle (TLWTO) [wow that does not acronym well], but I'm literally stuck in the very first scene of this chapter. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that I have next to no in between plot figured out for this one right now, so I might need to take a bit of time to do that ✋✋
          Beyond that, I've been working on a lot of fics for really obscure fandoms, and that's just been a joy lmao (and a TIME SUCK. Beyond that, schools been a series of bricks thrown at my head, and I'm just too tired to do much lol. Luckily I've found that when I'm really tired but still want to try my hand at something slightly productive, I can just work on this stupid yandere text fic I have now.
          Anyways, all this to say, apologies for the slow updates. I like to put the time into my writing for the story to really shine the way I want it to, and that leads to rather slow turnover time (because no one forced me to get things done but myself, and being your own boss is boss babe stuff. I don't have the MLM for that)
          Anyways THIS WAS LONG  THANK YOU


Yo it won't let me use skull emojis in these?? Why :(


Don't normally do this (cuz I've got 20 followers lmao--), but I just wanted to clarify that chapter two of Disease of the Mind has been majorly rewritten, so if you're following that fic, it's important to take a look at that. I've renamed the chapter too, for convenience's sake. Anyways, now I continue on with Spindle, huzzah.
          Also I got a snake.
          This has no relevance to the post, I just like him a lot.
          His name is Toso <3.


Oh woah, we just got 100 reads on Spindle's story! Thank you to everyone who's checked it out so far lol, it brings me great joy to know that people are enjoying! I have not disappeared off the face of the earth, but I've been struggling with a lot of writers block and been trying to rewrite a rather terrible part of a chapter from Disease of the Mind. On the bright side, the next update will be two yay, I suppose? Anyways, it's all a hot mess--thank you to everybody who's stuck around for this long! :DD