
Hey, guys, I have opened a new review book on my main page @jordyn_aj 
          	The book will also be in a reading list on this page. Some of you may recall that I have done this in the past, and I got too busy to keep up with it, but now I have the time and would like to get back to it. 
          	So, if you would like a review of your book, head on over there and fill out the form, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. :) 


@JordynAJ Yeah I like to review my book


Hey, guys, I have opened a new review book on my main page @jordyn_aj 
          The book will also be in a reading list on this page. Some of you may recall that I have done this in the past, and I got too busy to keep up with it, but now I have the time and would like to get back to it. 
          So, if you would like a review of your book, head on over there and fill out the form, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. :) 


@JordynAJ Yeah I like to review my book


Wow, guys, it's been a while since I've updated.... Well, school's just been in the way recently and I haven't had much inspiration for Cyrus' Fate. I just started working on the next chapter and I think you guys are gonna like it ;)
          To those who have requested a review: I've been so, so busy lately and I haven't had a lot of time to work on your reviews. I will hopefully be able to get to those soon. If not, I don't know. It might be a while.
          Thank you all for your patience. 
          Have a blessed day,


OH MY GOSH FELIX'S SISTER HAS REACHED 20K VIEWS!! I just noticed omg!! This is amazing! I'm so happy lol.  
          The next chapter was giving me some trouble but I'm almost done with it and uh, you know how I said that this chapter would for sure be the last? Well, I lied... again. Yeah, I accidentally wrote myself into another chapter so.... Whoops. But this way it will end with a nice round 50 chapters. That is a lot for a fanfic... Oh well. 
          The chapter will hopefully be up tonight. I'm going away for the weekend so I don't think I'll be able to write all that much. In the meantime, maybe you'd like to check out my other books? 
          Thank you all so much for the 20K! I can't express how happy it makes me 


Thank you for taking the time to vote for my story Of Sirens and Beasts! I really do appreciate it! 


@JordynAJ Thank you so much!


@MikaelaBender you're very welcome! It was soo good!! I wish you lots of luck in the contest 


Next chapter of Felix's Sister is giving me some difficulty and I've hardly had time to write recently. I've been pretty busy and probably will be these next few weeks with school ending and finals and projects and blah... I'm hoping to have the chapter up sometime this week. I'm sorry for the delay. 
          In other news... Felix's Sister has almost 12k views and I can't even begin to explain how amazing that is! Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting; it really means a lot! ❤️❤️