
Hey Guys!!!! I am so sorry I have not been on here in forever. In fact, I am actually on a  new account where I write. I am also going to be transferring all my old books onto there over time.  Please PLEASE PLEASEEE do follow my new account. It is: Angelo333cooler


Hey Guys!!!! I am so sorry I have not been on here in forever. In fact, I am actually on a  new account where I write. I am also going to be transferring all my old books onto there over time.  Please PLEASE PLEASEEE do follow my new account. It is: Angelo333cooler


Hello all my lovely followers! In case you've been wondering where I have been for the last few months, ive been on my others account @Angelo333cooler. I've been trying to write new books on that account. Feel free to check out my other books. 
          -Love Angelo
          PS: For all those SUPERWHOLOCK fans or Torchwood fans or one of the three from superwholock (supernatural, doctor who, Sherlock) I've started writing fan fictions on my other accounts. YEP I'M A FANBOY!!! Shoot me an inbox on my other account if you just wanna talk about anything. It could be related to any of those shows or it could be something on your mind. I'm here for each and every one of my followers. STAY LOVELY :-)


"❤️ Give this heart(<3) to everyone you don't want to lose in "2014" including me if you care. Try to collect 12 it's not easy! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO see what happens in 30 minutes! Be honest and send this to anyone who made you smile this year"-:)