
Hello, guys. I just wanted to check in and tell my dear readers that chapter 5 of Golden Lights is being worked on, and it's around 60% done at this point. The problem is that there's a lot on my plate right now... School work, work, uh... well work, and some family situations. Nothing serious, just a big load of time-consuming tasks that aren't letting me commit to Golden Lights as much as I'd like to. But I'm not dropping it in any way, shape or form. It's just gonna take a little longer.
          	And also, just as chapter 4, it's gonna be pretty long, since it's gonna have Shinji's, GOT7's and TWICE's debut performances described, plus other plot things. I don't want to even try to ballpark a date or a deadline, because I know I'm gonna feel pressured and it will either take longer than it should or turn out worse than I want.
          	So, yeah... sorry for the delay, but know that I'm working on as much as adult life is allowing me to. Thanks for reading, thanks for the engagement and thank you for your patience. 
          	You're all sweethearts!


Hello, guys. I just wanted to check in and tell my dear readers that chapter 5 of Golden Lights is being worked on, and it's around 60% done at this point. The problem is that there's a lot on my plate right now... School work, work, uh... well work, and some family situations. Nothing serious, just a big load of time-consuming tasks that aren't letting me commit to Golden Lights as much as I'd like to. But I'm not dropping it in any way, shape or form. It's just gonna take a little longer.
          And also, just as chapter 4, it's gonna be pretty long, since it's gonna have Shinji's, GOT7's and TWICE's debut performances described, plus other plot things. I don't want to even try to ballpark a date or a deadline, because I know I'm gonna feel pressured and it will either take longer than it should or turn out worse than I want.
          So, yeah... sorry for the delay, but know that I'm working on as much as adult life is allowing me to. Thanks for reading, thanks for the engagement and thank you for your patience. 
          You're all sweethearts!


I owe everyone an apology...
          It's been over two months since I've updated my book. I told everyone that read me that I would dedicate myself to this, but life has been a little unfair with me.
          Nothing too major or bad, but little things have piled up on me and I've been stressed out and getting two to three hours of sleep every night. I don't want to go into detail, because it's not something that should worry my readers but It's only fair that you at least know where the heck I've been.
          Things have dwindled down now, so I'll be publishing things very very soon.
          There's a couple of requests that I'm gonna do first, and then there's another two that have turned into their own mini-stories. All that will be hopefully out by September, and I'll keep on writing after that.
          And also, there's a project or a story I want to start writing; a long book which I want to be my main focus next year. 
          Again, I'm so very sorry... I will not let this go, I promise. It's just that things have been a little hard. 
          Thanks for reading, everyone. Stay tuned for my next updates, they're coming very soon. 


@ Vorrentis  Thank you Vor, means a lot coming from you 


@JonnyWild11 It's alright friend, don't you worry. Writing isn't a job, but a hobby.


@ AncientHero88  Thank you for understanding. Everything is settling down, so I'm feeling better already