
Sorry for not updating much of anything recently! I got a bit distracted with life and whatnot, I started selling my art and practicing tattoo. If you wanna check out my art, it's on instagram @/basically.idraw ! I'll start updating my writing this week though!


Hii, i know its been a while since you last updated and i don't know if you'r gonna even write again but i was just here to tell you that your of "Erase her" was amazing. You have a big abbility to write and its definitely one of my favorite stories.
          Its a bit sellfish, but i have to ask you to please write another chapter, or just please tell us if you are gonna write again :( . sorry if it bothered you, its not neccesarry to answer me or to write again but just remind you that we will be waiting, take your time and care of yourself.
          ty for everything, u wrote a masterpiece :)


I am begging you to update Erased, I am foaming at the mouth and I've been waiting for an update since March. It's been six months without a new chapter and I think I'm actually going insane. I've gone 184 days without a new chapter and I need to know what happens next. I cannot live like this. My every move, action and breath reminds me of this masterpiece. I'm not sure I can live without Erased and I'll actually sob if it's over.