
The way I’ve been stressed about how I’m suppose to watch Peaky Blinders in America lol I ODNT HAVE A WAY 


this message may be offensive
ugh I’m tired of crying every fucking day bc of my family. I’ve started to save up to move out next year so hopefully that’ll actually work out. My mental health has gotten so bad while living here... 


it’s okay love, i hope you’re doing better and i’m glad that you’re okay <33 i’m always here fs


Sorry I forgot to respond lol but I’m okay now. I went to my other sisters house for a few hours last night to cool off. It’s just been rough with her being off during weekends like I am and she gets my nerves easily :/


oh my love i'm so sorry :( i hope things get better for you asap and i'm always here for you, you're so so so strong