
Hey! How's everybody doing? Just wanna inform you guys I'm currently editing my story The Trip of Love coz I just realized that a few works are missing from it. Hope that I could finish it soon always bringing it around wherever I go so that whenever I have free time I could add some changes til I finish it up. Hope that you will still follow this story til the end. All the best to everyone. - Jk


Hey! How's everybody doing? Just wanna inform you guys I'm currently editing my story The Trip of Love coz I just realized that a few works are missing from it. Hope that I could finish it soon always bringing it around wherever I go so that whenever I have free time I could add some changes til I finish it up. Hope that you will still follow this story til the end. All the best to everyone. - Jk


Hey hey hey! Just want to greet you all a Very Merry Christmas and A Prosperous Happy New Year! I know its kinda late for the greeting Ive been really busy this past couple of months and I will try to make it up to you guys! Thanks for still showing your support even if I failed to make updates! My wish is the best of things to all of you! I will be updating soon so watch out! Loves and kisses! 


Hey I know I'm a terrible writer for leaving you behind last time I updated it was almost 8months ago and I'm really sorry. Hope that you will still continue to read my story and follow me. I will try to update everytime I will have a free time. Thanks!


Good day everyone if anyone is still tuned in. Im really sorry for neglecting you guys this past few months I have been terribly busy with work, hospital, and trying to lose down my weight. For everyone just to inform you I have been diagnosed w a stomach hernia and w very fatty liver. Then when all else fail my mom is also having health problems lately so I have to work my ass off. I will get back and finish the story just please hang on with me coz this is now all I would need for strength. thanks for those who have been waiting patiently and hope I will be back soon. Love you all!


Hey JkMendoza, you're awesome I like your story I cannot put it down. :) hope you'll write soon. This story made me realize a lot of things about myself, I really like the character of Andie and Cris they are a blend of my own characteristics. Just a suggestion, I think you should re-read your story before you published it coz some of the character names get messed up. Thanks for giving support to the Philippines by volunteering when Yolanda struck our country. Much admiration.. xoxo


@OneAndOnlyMe01  Hey sorry for not updating yet I am trying my best to try and finish the book just have enough time for rest for now after work. Thanks I may have to rewrite the story coz I happen to mess some chaps thanks for still reading...