
Okay, lemme just say this. Your short stories are literally the most satisfying things to read (specifically the seroroki ones). They bring me so much joy, please continue your wonderful work.


this message may be offensive
I’m glad I could be of some support! Take as much time as you need, as long as you’re mentally, physically and emotionally well. I can’t wait to read that SeroRoki fic! Thank you for putting so much time and effort into your stories mate, at the end of the day when I feel like absolute crap, I read (and reread) your stories, they make me smile like a fucking idiot.


@ExiliosNotebook Hello! Thank you very much for your sweet message. I'm glad you have enjoyed my work. I have been on hiatus for a long time due to my physical and mental health getting the better of me. But I hope to return soon with more and even better fanfics. I very much enjoy writing the SeroRoki and ShinKami oneshots and I hope to explore some other ships as well. I am currently working on a new SeroRoki title but it is taking me some time to complete due to writer's block. I will keep working hard to make sure my return to fanfic writing will be well worth the wait for everyone who enjoys my work. Comments and messages like this always help give me a bit more motivation to come back, so it is very much appreciated. Always take care of yourself and happy reading!
            Lots of love.  
            -Jinko Kaminari


Can you write a tododeku fanfic based on the soulmate AU story 'My Hyper Blonde' I haven't been able to get it out of my head and I would like to know what happened to the ship


@Rinhasnolifebro Alright! I can't wait to see the new fanfics!


@Rinhasnolifebro I will consider making it a oneshot but at this moment I am working on two full fanfics and working in a few oneshots that were already planned. So if I decide to do it, it will be a while before I start writing it