
this message may be offensive
Gurl just a quick advice, you don't need to persistently insist your justifications to that bitch. She's probably just messing with you and if you continue asking for validation from a person who clearly doesn't want it, i suggest you stop. You have other important things to do in your life and that bitch knows nothing about you. You don't have to tell her your entire life story just because she's saying you're a liar. You know to yourself that you're not saying lies and that's all you need. X


@multitasskernjh  your right I dont. And thank you for sticking up for me. 


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@multitasskernjh yeah no problem. People like that should learn to mature and understand not everyone would deal with their petty asses. That bitch is fucking toxic and I'm pretty sure you don't want to be associated with that kind of hideous attitude. 


@multitasskernjh you know what....your right. I'm just gunna ignore her. Thank you for your advice 