
Hello dear readers! Quick question for everyone.
          	Do you consider it weird if someone writes using Japanese terms in their fanfic? For instance, adding in the -kun and -san endings to names, or specifically using sensei? I want to implement the latter in my story but it felt somewhat strange to do so, and I was wondering if it was just me.
          	Thanks for all and any responses!
          	Best regards,
          	Jilly Brownie


@Jilly_Brownie hi, not at all. Depends on the story.


Hello dear readers! Quick question for everyone.
          Do you consider it weird if someone writes using Japanese terms in their fanfic? For instance, adding in the -kun and -san endings to names, or specifically using sensei? I want to implement the latter in my story but it felt somewhat strange to do so, and I was wondering if it was just me.
          Thanks for all and any responses!
          Best regards,
          Jilly Brownie


@Jilly_Brownie hi, not at all. Depends on the story.


Hello everyone!
          Huge thanks for the support on my “Trust” vigilante fanfic, but I’m afraid I have to archive it for now. I will continue working on it when I have the time, but due to exam preparation and other projects, I will be unable to do so for the next month or two. Since I don’t want to mislead people and possibly interest them with the existence chapters, and then leave them hanging for weeks, I decided to archive it. I will reload all parts once I have either completely finished the fanfic to prevent any delays, or when I’m at least a few chapters ahead and know that I have the time to write more chapters. 
          Apologies for the inconvenience, and I hope you enjoy my other, finished fanfics!
          Best regards,
          Jilly Brownie 


Hey everyone! 
          I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for vigilante Izuku fan fiction that you liked? I read so many on AO3, but now I can’t find any good ones for some reason. 
          If you can recommend any, or even multiple at a time, that would be great! Thank you!
          PS: new chapter for my vigilante fanfic will be out tomorrow ;)
          - Jilly Brownie 


            I think I might’ve read that one, but I’ll check. Thanks!


@Jilly_Brownie Quirkless Rejects by Krumblekitty


@Jilly_Brownie Glad you liked them. I'm always adding more books onto my list, so make sure you keep checking.


Five people, today alone, followed this Wattpad account. I’ve been noticing the notifications of users following me, and I was so confused when I kept seeing them repeatedly, and now I check and yes, 5 people have followed me TODAY ALONE. It may not seem like much to some people, but if you would’ve told me people would actually be reading what I write and following me, even if you didn’t say it was 365 but just 5 people, I wouldn’t have believed it. It’s astounding. 
          Thank you so, so much! Even if it takes me years, or even if I never post a new fanfic at all, I will always come back to bathe in the glory you guys put me in, because these works I’ve written mean the world to me, and so do those who read and engage with them. I appreciate it, so, so much, all these notifications coming about votes and follows and sincere comments. They mean the world to me. 


@Jilly_Brownie You deserve more than that, your writing is so wonderful and interesting


            I know exactly what you mean, friend; every time someone followed me, I always was slightly confused, bc like wait what? My stuff is actually good?
            But I will say that you do certainly deserve the follows. Your writing is extremely good --- better than mine I'd wager lol --- and I have a feeling it's only going to get better. Keep up the amazing work!


{ @Jilly_Brownie }
            You deserve all of the attention you’re getting! :)))


Hello! I know you probably aren’t online right now at the moment, or maybe a few days (or months) into the future, but I just wanted to let you know that you have some of the best fanfics I have ever read, and you are up there in my top three favorite fanfic writers on this app at the moment. 
          As a (not so good) fanfic writer myself, you have refilled my motivation plenty of times, no matter what book of yours that I have read. I just hope you’re having a great day/night, and I wanted to tell you how much you have motivated me, even though I didn’t know that you were the writer to half of the books I have read until a few moments ago. 
          Thank you for reading this, and once again, have a great day :)


Awww thank you so much! You have no idea what these words do to me!
            I’m so glad that people are actually enjoying what I write. I haven’t written anything in a while, but I’ve been writing a detailed outline for the past year for a new fanfic, so if I do manage to post it, I hope you’ll be just as happy to read it as you have my other fanfics. 
            Thank you so much for writing this! I really, really appreciate it!


Don’t you just love it when you’ve written most of the outline and then realize you didn’t have chapters throughly establishing the connection between the main character and the main side character? 
          I feel like I’ve created such a bond between my main characters, but I didn’t mention it in my outline, it’s all still in my imagination, so now I have to figure out how to rewrite it ;-;
          God bless people who actually stick to outlines, I never knew it took this much dedication to simply write one…
          And yes, I did just confess that I’ve never written an outline for any of my fanfics •.•


            Oh goodness that’s so relatable. I have so many unpublished fanfic plots that like I wrote two sentences about and forgot XD


            hahahaha yeah, I used to do that, but I really wanna try doing it like this to see if I can make my writing better. It’s REALLY frustrating though, I’ve been writing it for months and keep switching it up ;-;


            Honestly? I could never do an outline, my brain runs too friggin fast. Which is a problem bc I get these sick ideas for stories and whatnot and if I don't write it down, they literally disappear into the Aether.
            But good luck!


Hello everyone! I am alive :D
          Sorry for dispersing for so long. I wish I could bring good news, but so far, all I can say is that the outline for a vigilante fanfic is still in process. I'm making it highly detailed and I don't have that much time to work on it, so it's taking a lot longer than I would've liked ;-;
          I really hope it meets expectations when I do finally manage to get everything sorted. Meanwhile, thank you so much for all the love poured into my other fanfics with all the votes and comments! I get notifications every day and it brightens my mood every time. Thank you! :)


            Apologies; realism's kind of a specialty of mine lol. But don't worry about it; it goes away eventually


            Oh god this hurts so much to hear, it hits so close home ;-;
            Profanity was necessary there 


            (Sorry for the minor profanity!!!)


It's very sad that I have to write this, but for those that have enjoyed my stories I would appreciate it if you spent a minute reading this. I'll keep it short. 
          I really hope that Wattpad won't be blocked in my country, but considering AO3 isn't working, VPN's are starting to malfunction, and the situation keeps getting worse, I don't know if I'll be able to post stuff onto here anymore. I really hope that I'll be able to, and I am already planning an outline for another fanfic, but in the case that I'm suddenly unable to access the platform, the app getting blocked in my country would probably be the reason for that. 
          It's really sad just how quickly the war is escalating, and I hope that, at least, Wattpad won't be touched by this. Thank you so much for all the support and I hope this isn't the last time I can access the program. 


@Jilly_Brownie thats rlly sad but I enjoyed reading all ur books and still do so ty for all your works


@Jilly_Brownie hope it's getting better soon in you're you're because I'm enjoying reading you're books:)