
For those who don't know about Sins -:
          	1. Lust: Excessive desire for sexual gratification.
          	2. Gluttony: Overindulgence or overconsumption of food, drink, or other substances.
          	3. Greed: Excessive desire for material wealth or possessions.
          	4. Sloth: Laziness or aversion to work or exertion.
          	5. Wrath: Intense and uncontrolled anger or rage.
          	6. Envy: Jealousy or resentment toward others for their possessions, qualities, or successes.
          	7. Pride: Excessive belief in one's own abilities, superiority, or importance, often leading to arrogance or disdain for others.


For those who don't know about Sins -:
          1. Lust: Excessive desire for sexual gratification.
          2. Gluttony: Overindulgence or overconsumption of food, drink, or other substances.
          3. Greed: Excessive desire for material wealth or possessions.
          4. Sloth: Laziness or aversion to work or exertion.
          5. Wrath: Intense and uncontrolled anger or rage.
          6. Envy: Jealousy or resentment toward others for their possessions, qualities, or successes.
          7. Pride: Excessive belief in one's own abilities, superiority, or importance, often leading to arrogance or disdain for others.


Hey Guys I know it had been a long time since I have uploaded anything actually there are some personal issues which I don't want to share
          Actually I was just passing by when I saw this that my  story had reached 3k and with 0 follower please guy tell me the reason 
          And I wanna tell you all that after completing this story I will not start Burning in paradise first I have an another story in my mind "Seven Sins" and "Jeon's Princess"  if you are interested please read it when I will be back. Story line is prepared with dialogues
          And in last I wanna tease you a little so 
          - fight me but never deny me
          - No one's above you Mihika
          - Dare you take one step back from me , you will regret princess
          See ya 