
You ever reread a finished book that you're not entirely happy with, and then just end up reading the multiple comments on people wanting to read your second ship of the main character, even though you know it ends in a devastating heartache...
          	Like if I had the motivation and didn't have to use data to even use this app (I fear writing while on data will drain it faster with all the loading saves) then I might have done a one-shot...
          	We might be getting internet here soon but idk if I'll still have the motivation by the time we do... -_-'''
          	-from the chick that never posts, and questions if anyone ever actually reads these...


@Jeny442 u could always write it down in a note app and then copy paste it over to here 


I've done that before as well. I think everyone ignored it, but it's understandable, so whatever. XD


@Sniperunknown8 Well thanks, I was never sure cuz there's the option to make sure your followers see it and I always click it but nothing normally happens 


You ever reread a finished book that you're not entirely happy with, and then just end up reading the multiple comments on people wanting to read your second ship of the main character, even though you know it ends in a devastating heartache...
          Like if I had the motivation and didn't have to use data to even use this app (I fear writing while on data will drain it faster with all the loading saves) then I might have done a one-shot...
          We might be getting internet here soon but idk if I'll still have the motivation by the time we do... -_-'''
          -from the chick that never posts, and questions if anyone ever actually reads these...


@Jeny442 u could always write it down in a note app and then copy paste it over to here 


I've done that before as well. I think everyone ignored it, but it's understandable, so whatever. XD


@Sniperunknown8 Well thanks, I was never sure cuz there's the option to make sure your followers see it and I always click it but nothing normally happens 


this message may be offensive
Ok so I was just watching Tik Tok and a clip from the game Little Misfortune(might be spelt wrong) popped up, and it made me think of something... For those who haven't seen or played the game feel free to ignore it cuz honestly... SPOILERS... and this might be obvious to others but I just thought/realized this...
          Ok so, in one of the final scenes when you make it back to the road and see mom crying next to the car with skid marks/the accident...
          Is... Is that the Mother Fucken FAMILY car???
          Mom was in the kitchen at the time... Like yeah she was drinking wine but still, she was at least home... Right...
          But where's Dad... Like if I remember correctly he's an abusive drunk or something...
          Was Dad...
          Like oh my god...
          That poor woman...


Ya know, I just redownloading The Zombie Song and it got me thinking... I want a story like that, and I instantly thought of a princely story where Virgil and Janus are both zombies (probably Remy too cuz where Virgil goes Remy follows) and the rest are all alive, like it starts off with the beginning of the apocalypse where they're at a coffee shop and get attacked on day one, and then later Virgil meets Roman and he takes down a rando zom for him, everyone is against them hanging out but give up at some point (Virgil barely retains English so they can somewhat talk), and maybe one of the living gets bit (Patton or Logan) and instead of killing them like they normally do they let them turn. And it ends with instead of them looking for a cure, taking the bite so they can be together forever...
          Idk I kinda want it but I'll never write it myself tbh... ^_^'''
          So this concept in now open for adoption or whatever its called these days...


@Jeny442 prinxety(it autocorrected,)


i want you to know that you are an amazing person. If i don't get this back i understand. But i (and this is a challenge as a whole) have a game for you. Once you read this message send it to other people. If you get atleast three back you are loved. (if not you are still loved by jesus we do not discourage people here). Tonight at 11:59, the person you love most will realize they love you. Then at 1:00 to 2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life. If you break the chain you will receive bad luck. (i just copyed this from somewhere)


When you're so bored and procrastinating sleep you're tempted to actually get out your laptop and edit your complete book...
          Will I do the thing I've wanted to do for 3-4 weeks now... Probably not... But I am tempted...
          ~From That Girl Who Never Posts :3
                 ~Jeny442 :b


Ha. I have a writing block for my stories


You have been chosen to be showered with love enjoy~~ 
          Post this to everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world 
          If you get 
          1 back-your loved ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
          3 back your popular q(≧▽≦q)
          5 back you are the most lovable person out there(✿◡‿◡) 
          9+ back - wow, I’m jealous >w< ( •̀ ω •́ )✧`(*>﹏<*)′
          Don't break the chain or I'll ℝ ℝ ℕℂ.....Haha just kidding I'll drown you in--Love(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(●'◡'●)_〆....ℝ ℕ"   ℂ~
          *Apologize as I'm too tired to think straight


I have a question, do you know the sauce (name of anime) for your profile pic. We have identical profile pics, and I don't know from which anime they're from. 


@Jeny442 There's no need to be sorry {Ó^Ò} 
            btw, (I forgot where I got this from) I heard that the girl in the pic is a trap- (we have been deceived xD) 


@Nydall sorry I literally just googled anime girl like I normally do, Idk which anime its from but if you find out let me know :3


But I'm not sure if they're the same character, but they do look very identical to each other.


When you go to grab your Melatonin, so you can hopefully fall asleep before noon and you find you empty bottle in the space you keep it, so you move it and realize you still have a bit of dinner left, so you eat it and move to lay down cause your ADD made you forget about the Melatonin for a min, but then as you puck up your phone something in your brain says grab the thing beside you, so you do and it turns out to be your full open bottle of Melatonin you apparently grabbed around 7 am but forgot about, and now its 9:30 am and you have a headache...
          -From That Weird Girl That Never Posts...
                         Or Sleeps... Apparently...
                                ~Jeny442 -_-'''


@Jeny442 hey! This was the day b4 I fell off my deck and hurt my ankle, condemning myself to a life of constant foot-ankle pain... Nice!


Yo real quick, Idk if anyone got notified last night, but I changed the ending of the last chapter "A Sad... And Confusing... Day...", (Think that's the chapter name...) Anyway I would also like to ask you guys to write some mean and nice things to Ink based off the last chapter, I need more on the mean side though. All those that participate will be tagged in the next chapter... When I get to making it...
          -From That Weird Girl That Never Posts
               ~ Jeny442 :b