
im here to clear up a few things
          	1. whatever I said on here before 2022... not my brightest moments
          	2. THE BIO IS SO BAD/CRINGEY im only keeping for preservation and looking-back purposes
          	3. yes im very dead on here unfortunately, (find me @yumetaiyova on instagram if u want contact)
          	4. character design is so hard


lets talk about rule breaking; something very necessary yet told not to do.
          now that I thought about it... rule breaking is very important... 
          BUT DONT MURDER SOMEONE/do anything without a good explaination
          gimme your opinions, I wanna hear them


@taicardi "doing things that make you feel good even though it's not allowed"
            Oh, so like taking drugs. Like stealing from people. Like running in the hallway playing tag with your friend, only to accidentally run into someone and lose your front tooth. Is that what you mean?
            But I agree with your stance on breaking the status quo, though only in certain ways. Sometimes the status quo is there for a reason. (i.e morality, human rights, etc.)


this message may be offensive
@JennyGryffindorMagic There are two ways we can think about this: Rule breaking in the sense of experimentation, and rule breaking in the sense of mischief.
            Let's start with experimentation. Absolutely, rule breaking is necessary, but only when the rules are understood. You cannot break a rule if you don't understand it first. This is a very important idea for musicians, artists, and even scientists. You can't break the rule until you can perform it.
            Now unto the sense of mischief. I believe that breaking a rule with mischievous intent, or breaking it simply because it's not comfortable to you, is wrong, especially if those rules are justifiable and sound. Rules like don't litter, don't run in the hallway, don't yell "bomb" in an airplane, don't steal, or don't be late, are ABSOLUTELY rules that must not be broken. For if we break them, consequences are imminent. And moral rules like don't be an asshole, don't leave a friend behind, or don't disrespect one's beliefs, are important to the well-being and moral construct of all. So no, I do not believe rule breaking is good, because I believe it leads to consequences. However, I DO believe that rule-breaking is important. As a way to set an example. To remind everyone exactly why rules are implemented in the first place.
            That is why drunk drivers are important to pay attention to. They've killed so many people because they DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES.


@JennyGryffindorMagic i agree!!!!
            Rule breaking like, breaking the status quo, doing things that make u feel good even though it's not allowed.
            But rule breaking like doing drugs, that's not helpful for anybody.


piper rockelle... 14 year old influencer who started her digital footprint at age 4
          first. I want to ask any 'piper Rochelle fans' why they like her content so much.
          second. look onto her channel. the child is obviously being exploited... (lawsuit coming up against her mom! yay!)
          it's really sad that her exploitation is really not talked as much... just another Danielle cohn/Britney Spears/name any minor that is exploited in the entertainment industry


@JennyGryffindorMagic I agree I used to watch her thinking it was normal but just now I started to realize how much she is being exploited and how horrible her content is age appropriate wise( for her and her fans). Especially scince her fan base is of younger vewers usually 6-10. It honestly shocks me how much she’s being pressured and exploited with her friends for money, views, and fame. It disgust me how her mother the women who is supposed to protect her from stuff like that supports it. She also says nothing about the way pipe and that type of content kids have been treated by older viewers 
            . This includes cat calls, statements, doxing, and so much more. It’s scary and honsetly saddening how much this has swooped over so many people heads and so many media’s heads that no one care anymore. In fact it’s expected or even sometimes wanted. (I don’t know if that made sense I was just ranting but I agree)


let's talk about the exploitation of children on social media...
          give me some names that you think are being exploited


@JennyGryffindorMagic you should also talk abo that one girl on TikTok I don’t remember her name it’s like Jenny popache or jenny rosalie I think she was banned if TikTok but still has two instas it’s creepy some of the stuff that gets posted and said.


@JennyGryffindorMagic i don’t really know who she is, but my friends hate her-
            and ima sleep see ya in nine hours ❤️✨


@veyrum @allyblxck
            yes, my perfect time to complain about piper Rochelle and her "squad" of exploited minors on the internet.


what makes a character relatable?
          (yes, begging for help)


you think the romance story you're writing is cheesy?
          well i have the perfect solution for you!
          kill off one of the main characters. go on. your story is now a piece of art


@ObsidianWolf_ ALSO CORRECT
            killing characters is my way to get around because I'm lazy


@JennyGryffindorMagic  nooo u kill off the PARENTS, and  everything is good XD


*yawns* it’s my first day back to school
          Hopefully my English teacher read Harry Potter over the summer and my friend finished demon slayer 


@JennyGryffindorMagic Most English Teachers read classics like Lord of the Flies, Dune, The Alchemist, Hamlet, etc.
            Unfortunately, they ALWAYS teach those books first. Those books are very hard to get into (trust me, I had to read Hamlet three times), but once the student knows enough about literature, they will learn to appreciate the classics.


@JennyGryffindorMagic  lol i asked our teacher agan before we left for home she she looked at me and walked away without replying XD


Never have I ever get called out for reading fanfiction in public




            I can read pretty much anything-