
Expect The Angel Who Tempted Me's new chapter to be up some time relatively soon. I'm getting a bit more like myself, but I'm not quite there yet. I can barely focus on TV or books, let alone writing my own stories. Grieving is a bitch.


Bad news. A member of my family died last Tuesday and I don't know when I'll be able to write again. Hopefully soon, but I'm just really out of it and need to just relax before I can actually focus on something. I hope you guys understand. Thanks for following and reading along, through thick and thin and through my scarce updates. I love all of you.


Angel Who Tempted Me is up!
          I'll be editing Spooks and hopefully putting a new chapter up as well.
          And I also have the next chapter of The Angel Who Tempted me ready, so expect to see that in the next few days.
          I'm just so happy to finally be writing again, thank you so much for sticking with me guys, it means so so so much.


okay I'm going to be one production sob tomorrow and I'm going to wake up before 11 and I'm going to exercise and i'll even try and write The Angel Who Tempted me. Keep in mind that I may rewrite the entire story. . . I feel that I did a poor job and if I re-do it, I can improve it.