
Still not completely back, but I've been thinking about working on the story more. Consider the chapter an early Christmas/Hanukkah/Quanza/Advent/whatever holiday you celebrate gift. Happy Holidays!


Hey, so, I've been going through a lot lately.
          With school coming up soon, problems with personal matters, and an overall lost of interest for Wattpad and my book for the time being, I'll be taking a currently unknown length of time before I'll be returning to here and the book.
          I'll try to finish it, but it might take some time. Please be patient. Thank you.




@Testtubeisawesome Oh? You know? Can you tell me where? #pretendingtobestupid


@JenJoyce13 your profile picture! I know where it's from!


Okay, I know it's probably not the most popular idea, but think about this:
          A fan-fiction about Venomous gaining weight and learning to love it, with Boxman being a skinny li'l guy. It can be an AU, but I kinda want to see something like that.
          If this is weird, you can just ignore it.
          The thought came from this Tumblr link:


So, I know it's been a while, but I think I want to take a step back from Wattpad before continuing the story of "Roses & Ferns" because I've been getting into Archive Of Our Own for a while now.
          But I want to let you all know that you've not been forgotten. I'll try to post the story sometime soon. :)


Guys! You HAVE to check out this one-shots request book!
          It's better than most other one-shots request books I've seen (no offense guys) and you'd be fools to NOT send them a request.
          Just make sure you don't bother them. Trust me, the wait is worth it. They did my request, and it came out SO GOOD!!!!
          Spread the word, people!
          PEACE OUT!!!!!


With today. my first book "Roses & Ferns" is officially complete!
          Don't worry, the second book will come out soon, I've been working on it for a while now, and I may actually change up the updating schedule.
          So, stay tuned for the next book! See ya'll soon~!