
What's up fucks


You say you love me? 
          Well that isnt true,
          Sure ive fallen for more people than just you. 
          But at least im moving on, you see,
          But surely of course, you still have no clue.
          Call me the bad guy and your the victim
          Im so bad and dark and deep
          The ice you stood on was just too thin
          But now you look below your feet
          A well we both created within us
          Because we're monsters
          All we did was yell and cuss
          Ive done nothing purposely to harm her
          But wait.
          Im in the wrong
          I couldnt come back with a lovely song
          To prove that i have humanity
          Oh you hate me? Well how lovely.


@Jeff___ you say do y o u love me i tell her only partly i only love my bed and my momma im sorry-