
So after a bit of debating with myself, I have decided that since I will (hopefully) soon be starting the process of being published, I will no longer be posting my original work on my page here. The only exceptions to this would be Last Christmas (as I don’t think I’ll be publishing that story) and for the time being She Will Be Love and Never Gonna Leave This Bed. SWBL and NGLTB will remain until I finish the final drafts and begin the publishing process for them. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I’m not going to post on here anymore! This will mainly be for my fan fiction and I will still be updating you guys on the publishing process. Thank you to all you who have supported me and my work since I started my page and I hope you will view this decision as a positive one!


So after a bit of debating with myself, I have decided that since I will (hopefully) soon be starting the process of being published, I will no longer be posting my original work on my page here. The only exceptions to this would be Last Christmas (as I don’t think I’ll be publishing that story) and for the time being She Will Be Love and Never Gonna Leave This Bed. SWBL and NGLTB will remain until I finish the final drafts and begin the publishing process for them. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I’m not going to post on here anymore! This will mainly be for my fan fiction and I will still be updating you guys on the publishing process. Thank you to all you who have supported me and my work since I started my page and I hope you will view this decision as a positive one!


I wanted to post this a little bit ago, but was swept away in the moment. I am happy to announce that Ace High is OFFICIALLY FINISHED!!! At least, the first draft is anyway, but that in itself is amazing! Two years I've been wanting to finish this book, and I did! The first draft was officially completed at 11:57 pm on July 5th and I am currently waiting for my proof copies to come in the mail so I can see if I like the format I've picked and begin the editing process.
          I haven't decided how much of the book I will "publish" on here and have the rest in it's physical form, but as soon as I do I will let you guys know. Thank you so much again for your support and I really hope you're enjoying Aces High thus far!


I wanted to update you guys on how Camp Nanowrimo was going so far. Right now, it's going so much better than I could have ever imagined. Not only was I so far over my initial start goal before it even started (I wrote 5500 words the day before), but looking through my notes I realized that I'm actually super close to finishing Aces High right now. Like we're getting to the climax and falling action portion within the next chapter or two and I'm super excited about that! For those who have been with me for a while, you know that I tried to start this book almost 2 YEARS ago and didn't get it. I was only four-ish chapters in and I've written almost eight chapters just in the span of tow weeks.
          I've also decided that I'm going to be posting one chapter a week, Wednesdays, and will probably only post a quarter to half the chapters on here and have the rest be in the hard copy book. I'm still working on finding a right fit for a publisher, but I of course will let you know how that goes! Thank you so much again for the support!!


I'm so sorry that I keep forgetting to post updates on here! I've mainly been posting them to our Facebook page, but here is the cliffnotes version of what's been going on: I've left my previous job to one that is closer to home and a little less stressful on me, so I have the opportunity to write more. I've ACTUALLY been writing, working a lot on Aces High and I've nearly finished outlining the third book in that series. I haven't had the chance to, put I'm going to be posting some of the chapters for that up soon. My computer is going belly up so I'm in the process of looking for and saving up for a new computer. I am participating in Camp NaNoWriMo for July, so there is that!
          Thank you again for your patience and I look forward to having you guys read my new work!!


As much as I would like to say that we're going to make it, it doesn't seem like 2017 is going to be the year we win NaNoWriMo :( but What I can say is that this had been the best month in writing that I've had in quite sometime. I was able to work on a novel that I've been wanting to write for the past 10 years and was able to build and morph the original story I had planned out (which was honestly nothing to begin with). Sure, I didn't meet my goal, but I only missed it by 19,721 and if I hadn't been feeling bad those 5 days I didn't write, I know I would have made it. I'm going to be continuing to work on this title and hopefully by January/February I will have it ready for editing and beta readers :) Thank you so much to everyone who supported me in this venture and I hope to see you guys in July for Camp Nano!


Hello everyone. First I just want to say how sorry I am that I haven't been updating as much as I've been wanting to. The inspiration just hasn't been there and I've been struggling a bit in my personal life. Thankfully, things have been getting better and I've been writing more. While I haven't been working on the works I've been meaning to finish for a while now, I've been taking whatever I can get writing wise.
          That being said, I am participating in NaNoWriMo this year, writing the first book in a trilogy that I've had the idea for since at least my junior year of high school (so at least 7 years now). What I plan to do is work on it, then when I have the novel completely finish post the chapters on a weekly basis. I'm hoping to get Last Christmas and Bump in the Road finished this year, that way I can focus on some of the other stories that I have, including some new ones that I've gotten ideas for. Again, I thank you all so much for your patience and I can't wait for you all to read this story!


So sadly today wasn't completely spent writing but I'm writing right now! Will probably work on bits and pieces of a couple of works. Right now it's The Healing Flower which only has one chapter up and this story will only have about five or so "chapters" similar to my first FMA fanfiction. I honestly haven't mapped that one out completely but I'm hoping it'll be a hit! I'm also going to continue to work on Bump in the Road (which has another chapter up!) as well as Last Christmas.


Sorry I haven't updated yet guys, lots of stuff has been happening! I'm moving (again) but luckily it's just to the downstairs apartment and I was able to bring my good desk home  I also did an audition for the voice in Baltimore the other day. Sadly I wasn't picked to move on but still a great experience. I am off today but I have to finish moving and cleaning the old apartment but I'm hoping to have something posted by tonight. Again I'm so sorry guys and thanks for sticking with me!


Did a TON of writing today!! I'm not where I want to be to post an update but that will hopefully be tonight (2/16). We're in the process of moving downstairs so life is hectic right now. I pretty much have my writing play all done up... I just have to follow it!


Sorry I haven't updated in a bit T.T work has been absolutely crazy but I have a few spans of days where I'm off so I'm going to be writing then! I'm still trying to work on my schedule so I'm updating at least once a week for you guys so I'll post the completed schedule when I'm done!