
          	WE GOT 200 FOLLOWERS!!!
          	There is not a single word to describe how I feel or how I felt when I literally just saw the number! Y’all we got 200!
          	200 lovely people who have either read, commented, voted, or just followed me in my 4 years on here. I love you all soooo much!
          	Now, I will have a chapter out for one of my books. I promise that very soon. 
          	I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!
          	I love y’all!!!


          WE GOT 200 FOLLOWERS!!!
          There is not a single word to describe how I feel or how I felt when I literally just saw the number! Y’all we got 200!
          200 lovely people who have either read, commented, voted, or just followed me in my 4 years on here. I love you all soooo much!
          Now, I will have a chapter out for one of my books. I promise that very soon. 
          I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!
          I love y’all!!!


          I am most likely going to delete the story and restart it. I just feel like it was rushed, and it was, and I think if I start it over it will look and be constructed so much better.
          So, again, if any of you lovely people have read it and were waiting for the next update, I’m sorry. I promise the “new” one will be a better read.
          Also, I’m so sorry for my inactivity. There’s no excuse besides me just not wanting to get to it. However, I hope to change that. School is starting back up but I hope to get a few chapters out throughout the rest of the year. (NO PROMISES)
          Anyways, I love y’all!


Heyo guys!
          It's literally been like forever and I'm so sorry! I've been working on so many stories and ideas for new once. Not to mention I'm in the middle of exams. However, I have finally gotten a chapter published on "Hybrid" and I think I'm kinda proud of it. I don't know when the next update is but it, hopefully, won't take as long.
          Again, I am terribly sorry for the long wait. And if any of you pretty little wolves were waiting for me to update, it's finally here. I am still working on "Sold To Him" but it'll be here shortly (hopefully)!
          Anyways, I hope ya'll have a great day/night!
          I love ya'll!


          I just came out with a new book called Burn Out and I would love for you to check it out!


@Crybabybex28 Thank you! And no problem. I love your writing!


Thank you so much for those votes!!
            I’m literally crying
            Have an amazing day!!!


@Crybabybex28 Great! I just added it to my Library. I’ll read really soon. Good luck with your first work!


Okay, I still don’t have my laptop fixed but I’ve been drafting things up. New chapters for new stories and new chapters for continuing stories.
          I want your guy’s feed back on this things I’ve been thinking about for a while.
          ‘Hybrids’ is a rushed story and not very put together because I had and tried to get at least 5 chapters in for the Wattys2017 back in very early August. This being, it’s not the best it could be and how I want it to be. 
          All in the all, I want to delete this story and rewrite to make it better and less rushed. Things have happened WAY to fast and I think it should have been a progressing story not a ‘BAM! This-is-what’s-happening-now-in-less-than-a-hour’ story.
          So, if you all could, please respond with your opinion and I’ll take it into consideration. It will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
          Also, DAMN! 
           I’m so proud of all the wolves (followers)I have to support me after two long years! Thank you all for liking, commenting, sharing and adding my books to your libraries. I love you all so much you have no idea!
          Thank you.
          I swear the minute my laptop gets fixed you’ll be getting A LOT of chapters and maybe even some new stories...?
          Love y’all!!!


Thanks for following me!!♥ Now, you are more than welcome to join the virtual tea party^ *clink*
          If you don't mind, please check out my story, 'Bad Boy Gone Shy' ♥♥♥ your support would mean everything to me♡♥♡ :)
          I hope you have a grand day :))))
          Enjoy your tea~ xx


@loveX3Jen umm...my newest book is Sold To Him. If you're into afia and other relating topics to that I'd suggest you read that one. Then, theres Hybrids which is based on Vampires and Wereolves and a girl who is both. Making her a Hybrid. My other one is VERY cringy due to being written when I was a lot younger. But, please, if you want, check out either of the other 2 books. Support is always welcome.


@The-Midnight-Wolf thank you ♥♥ is there a book of yours that you would like me to support?


@loveX3Jen Yay! I love tea! And books. Might as well grab me a cup and start reading. But, first, I need some sleep.  And no problem! I will definitely check out your book tomorrow!!! <3