
Finally after along time I updated. Cahpter 10 of CHERISH ME is up. YAYAYAY
          	Hope you guys enjoy :) 


@Jazzed14 CHAPTER 10 is up for CHERISH ME


Hello guys, 
          Today I was having so much trouble trying to publish the next chapter to CHERISH ME. It got me so frustrated that it just didn't publish it kept saying "Wattpad has stopped working", every time I was going to push the publish button. But finally, I think,  the chapter is up hope you like it it was short, but I will try to update more frequently now. And sorry guys for all the false notifications.
          Have a good day/night.


Hey I've been tryin to reach Cherish Me to read the next chapter and it won't upload. even deleated itself off my reading list?


@Jazzed14 And no, you're fine I only got one notification :)


@Jazzed14 Wattpad has been messing up for me too...It says everything is was posted/updated "just now" even though I received the notification several hours ago and I'm not entirely sure it's my tablet... I really hope Wattpad fixes this soon, it's very frustrating


I just updated the covers of my books.
          Hope you like the new covers.
          Tell me what you think.
          Hopefully I will update soon. Probably during this week. :)


@Jazzed14 the new cover of Cherish Me is GORGEOUS


@sofie-ignite. Thank you so much. I'm glad you love the cover. :D


Hi guys to anyone who reads my books 
          I just want to say that I'm having trouble with a story, and that story is Cherish Me.
          Here is the short version of what is going on. So I updated my computer and I had all of my notes and ideas for this book there and well, they got lost. I got really upset and felt very stupid for not saving the notes. It's going to take me awhile for me to update. I'm sorry guys. My goal is to finish this fanfic, so I will be working on it.


          I just posted a new story. I would love for you to read my new book. The book is called "Quotes". In the book I will be adding quotes that are amazing and have inspired me. Tell me what you think about the quotes. I personally love love quotes.
          Happy Readings


Hello , I just want to tell you that  I've posted  a new chapter for my story "True Friends True Sister". please check it out comment , vote and share . I want to know what you think of the my new story ☺Thank you ✌