
All yall niggas crazy if you think when I see her im going to hold her hand and sing the barney song.When I see her I got her and thats frfr


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On my life don't call me a bit h I swear to god don't show out because you know if you was in my face u wouldn't say it u just want your five seconds of fame.I beat u wen I see you I'm going to beat your ass.And bitch khadijah even sad you stealing her stuff.And I know you ain't saying nobody cat stank because your smell old and dusty and like lama twerk .That's why deavon don't want your alien looking ass thirsty bitch you want dontrell but he said he don't want your ugly ass. And he picked a aliyah over your stank pussy ass


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bitch mind yo business you had no business commenting on my story like that .dont no body else give a fuck so neither should u especially cuz I aint using yo shit.leave me nd my story the fuck alone with yo wack ass.ill get my own shit when u wash yo stank cat nd put a bag over yo ugly ass face bitch