
I'm alive (barely) and still editing! This winter has been really tough on me mentally and what I did get done wasn't enough to post, but inspiration and the will to write are steadily returning. Also: comments! I get notifications every now and then about comments on my book; I'm not ignoring them, I promise! Wattpad is being really weird for me both on my mobile app and on the website and I can't seem to pinpoint where the comments are exactly. I'll see a comment about a word that's misspelled in a chapter and can't find it when I go in to edit, nor does the comment highlight the paragraph that it was made under. I do all my writing on a Word document that I copy and paste onto Wattpad, so sometimes things get messed up and spellcheck doesn't register it. I'll go back thoroughly for the smaller edits in a bit. Happy New Year all!


I'm alive (barely) and still editing! This winter has been really tough on me mentally and what I did get done wasn't enough to post, but inspiration and the will to write are steadily returning. Also: comments! I get notifications every now and then about comments on my book; I'm not ignoring them, I promise! Wattpad is being really weird for me both on my mobile app and on the website and I can't seem to pinpoint where the comments are exactly. I'll see a comment about a word that's misspelled in a chapter and can't find it when I go in to edit, nor does the comment highlight the paragraph that it was made under. I do all my writing on a Word document that I copy and paste onto Wattpad, so sometimes things get messed up and spellcheck doesn't register it. I'll go back thoroughly for the smaller edits in a bit. Happy New Year all!


          I'm Disha, a fourteen year old avid reader and aspiring writer! I'd be grateful if you could check out my book 'Fallen Queen' and tell me how to improvise since I'm super new at it! It'd also be helpful if you could check out my fantasy novel, "Fantasma" on my page! It'd mean a lot to me! If you're interested in poetry, you can check out 'Into The Black Hole' as well! I look forward to some advice from you, if time permits you! 
          Yours gratefully, 


Gooood morning all! I've updated three more chapters, chapters five through eight, this morning. It's essentially chapter five split into three parts, but there's also new scenes  as well. This threw off my chapter count and I had to completely re-label every chapter afterward (which was a pain). Once again, the transfer from a word document to Wattpad sometimes messes up words and punctuation sporadically, so if you see any errors in the new chapters, please bring it to my attention so I can get it fixed immediately.
          Happy reading and thank you all for your patience!


@AazHann all of my free time has been editing these past few days lol 


@JayVee245 ahaha lots of effort in editing


The first three chapters have been revamped! Wattpad is bad with transferring text from Microsoft Word to the website, so let me know if you see any spelling errors or unnecessary spaces. I've added some new scenes, removed some others, and reworded a good chunk of the rest lol. 
          One thing that will be noticeable as the group of protagonists grows is the "***" in the center of some paragraph breaks. They symbolize a change in point of view to help the reader see who the narration is following. 
          Happy reading!


Hello hello! It's been a while! I promised I would update soon after I finished my book, and I lied! I've been writing on and off, but never got around to posting anything. This is going to change soon. I've been re-editing and revamping book one as well as writing the first draft for book two. I estimate I'll finish the first draft of book two by next month, though I don't know when I'll post it on here. Thank you all for your patience and wonderful comments you've left for me in my absence. I really appreciate it! 


@JayVee245 You Liar!!
            Looking forward to the second part, I am so curious about what happens next


It is done! My first book is marked for completion on Wattpad!! AHHHHH!!!


@JayVee245 Always a great feeling, congrats.


@AazHann thank you so much! 


@JayVee245 Many congratulations. It's a an amazing boom so far. I am totally absorbed into it. Wish I had more free time to read it quickly


WE ARE IN THE FINAL STRETCH PEOPLE! ONLY TWO CHAPTERS LEFT!! AHHHHHH!!! I'll be posting them Sunday evening!!!!!!


@JayVee245 that explains the quality of writing


@AazHann yes! I have been writing this book for the past four years.


@JayVee245 that's amazing. Will not have to anxiously wait for new chapters.
            Have you been writing for quite long and now posting all quickly? 