
Back from my hiatus >:)


DECEIVING FATE (My amazon paperback novel) Is now FULLY AVAILABLE on wattpad. Please enjoy it! Feel free to share with your friends and family, and let me know in the comments who all enjoyed it :) This book has been a long time coming, and I just want it to get the recognition that it deserves! Especially because I cannot submit it to the watty's due to the word count. For such a good book, it's not at 50,000 words and so the watty's reward will elude me. Because of this, I ask YOU GUYS to read the heck out of this book, enjoy it, share it, talk about it, and vote for it. I appreciate everything you all can do for me :) Thanks! -S


Very excited to announce passing 100 views and 100 votes over the last couple of days on S^4! :) I love what I do, and I hope you all enjoy the story just as much as I do! The heated chapters are coming up very soon! I can't wait to hear your reactions ;)


The delay/wait on newer chapters of "Something Sweet, Something Sinister" is over! I plan on publishing up to FOUR (4) chapters today! Chapter 12 is out now. 13 will be out within 1-2 hours and so-on-so-forth until I'm satisfied. The pace in them is picking up, and the *spice* is coming soon. Grab a blanket and get comfy because you'll want to read more and more.


Just addressing a small topic here. In "Something Sweet, Something Sinister", the vampires aren't effected by the 'can't-go-out-in-daylight' stereotype. It is also the same with cameras and mirrors. Vampires in this novel have to drink blood to survive, and if they don't... well, read to find out ;) As long as they do get they're blood on time, they have powers. That's about it. Have a nice day everyone! Also, S^4 (A cute nickname my friends gave the novel haha) is going to have a *double update* soon!


This is not the twist that I'm talking about in the novel though ;)


Update on when I'll be publishing chapters; Every-day doesn't seem to be engaging many viewers, so I'm changing it to every-other-day. Hopefully this will help more people to see the story! It will still be updated at the regular time, just with a day spaced in between. This will give me more time to write out the chapters as well, and we're starting to get to the interesting bit!
          I hope everyone is having a good day, and I look forward to bringing the next update out! :)