
Welcome to the Angel Squad lovely's! This is Jason! And you are officially the Angel Squad!


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Hey guys, It's Lia. I'd just like to say that we are kind of in the worst month right now. I start back up on college and so does Jason in a week. We will still be writing. And Ricky has the worst internship EVER! He's working as a teachers aid for kindergarten. So, August will be our last big months, but it's also our slowest month. For summer,  the three of us go and live in Washington USA for a bit. It's where my mom's family and my dads family are, Jason has a family beach house, and Ricky has 4 different moms and one dad, two sisters, one half sister, one brother, two half brothers, and a fucking mansion. Sorry, sorry, big house that can hold 4 moms, one dad, two sisters, one half sister, one brother, two half brothers, twelve chickens, two dogs, four cats, a pool, in home theater, and library. No, it's a mansion. Okay, well, I have to go traveling again this week, so, bye!


Hey! This is just to say that Amelia, Ricky and I are going out to a camping retreat for the next week. We all updated as much as we could, but there is not internet where we are going. We promise to continue next week! Until then, get more people to read our books and vote! Comment! I want to come back and feel loved!!!!!!!!!! Okay, that's all. Bye guys!


Thanks for the follow, I just wanted to know what it's like to be an actor? I'm thinking of being an actress.


@Zen-chan It's thrilling. When you can be on the stage and your own feelings, gender, race, beliefs, none of them matter to anyone while you're on that stage. All that matters is the character. You can be anyone and you don't have to be judge. I started acting when I was 8, I haven't stopped. Think of having a bad day at work, or at school, and then you go to a place full people who know nothing about you, yet they love you and can't get enough of your voice, your look, your talent. Acting was the thing that helped me out of a very dark place, without it I may not be alive today. Try it out, if you like it, it becomes passion. If you don't, you find a bunch of weird friends who are going to hang out with you anyway.


Thank you for the awesome follow!


@XxNekocoxX Well, I don't get much time to read, but I'll look into it if I have time : ) It'd be awesome if you could take a look at my Patreon page!


@XxNekocoxX  your welcome. Sorry I never saw this. I guess I missed it. I really appreciate all of the artists that I follow because I know that they will try to accept my work as quality work and really take into their hearts. Thanks, and I hope I'll see a comment notification from you in the future!