
          	And take this quiz
          	If the link doesn't work then just search up 16 personality test
          	It is the most scarily and awesomely accurate test I have ever had and they don't have one crappy description at the end, but a highly detailed report you could say, on just who you are and how to ehhh, FIND OUT YOURSELF!
          	I got The Mediator, and God....wow. I don't feel like an alien anymore.
          	Tell me what all you got! :)
          	That is...if u read these...which u Probably won't....that's ok! I don't either XD
          	Till next time!


@Abusiswe ha, sup Rain, and too late. Read these in the wrong order I guess XD
          	  I get why, And feel free to again. I will read and read and read....what I do best :)


@CloudWeaver08 that's completely fine, i usually can't either XD
          	  One of good friends just took the test and got that too! Only 1% of the population have it right? That's pretty cool.


@JasmineShade113 Oh, and I nearly forgot... I'm an INFJ-A or the so-called "Advocate"


this message may be offensive
Jade, what happened to Rain? I can't seem to find her profile.
          If there's a reasonable explanation and I'm to dumb to find out, well, I guess I'm dumb.


Thx Jade, also to my followers: IM BACK BABY!!


Just like @StaryNightLynx I thought the same thing, thank you for the information Jade it is highly appreciated I was worried but now I am reassured thank you


            Thanks for the info. When couldn't find her profile, I thought, 'Who could have more info on Rain then Jade?'


          And take this quiz
          If the link doesn't work then just search up 16 personality test
          It is the most scarily and awesomely accurate test I have ever had and they don't have one crappy description at the end, but a highly detailed report you could say, on just who you are and how to ehhh, FIND OUT YOURSELF!
          I got The Mediator, and God....wow. I don't feel like an alien anymore.
          Tell me what all you got! :)
          That is...if u read these...which u Probably won't....that's ok! I don't either XD
          Till next time!


@Abusiswe ha, sup Rain, and too late. Read these in the wrong order I guess XD
            I get why, And feel free to again. I will read and read and read....what I do best :)


@CloudWeaver08 that's completely fine, i usually can't either XD
            One of good friends just took the test and got that too! Only 1% of the population have it right? That's pretty cool.


@JasmineShade113 Oh, and I nearly forgot... I'm an INFJ-A or the so-called "Advocate"


          Couple things ima say
          Cuz I looked at ur bio
          In detail
          Idk why I didnt the first time
          But here we go
          Hiccstrid FTW!
          HIROGO MUST DIE (im jking. I respect your opinion.)


Heh I only ship Hirogo for the sake of shipping him with someone (honestly I don't care) rhnx for respecting it tho
            And yes
            Both of those ARE awesome ;)


Plz read my book if you do I'll continue


@awesomenumber3 thx I take that to heart:)


            I did read your book, but before I say anything, I wanna tell you this
            If you truly enjoy writing, and what your writing about, then you will continue whether people read it or not. Wattpad isn't about getting the most reads, but expressing your emotions, thoughts, memories, love for [enter loved thing]. 
            Of course I know how fustratingly annoying it must be for nobody to be reading, I understand that. Every single one of us started out like that. I remember deleting my first book feeling rejected and embaressed.
            Here's a few tips from the top of my head.
            -Tags. Use as many tags as you can, all keywords, something that people would search up (but only put what actually gonna be writing about in them)
            -Try making friends with other Wattpadders. Most will read another's book out of curtsy, and even curiosity. 
            -Don't advertise your book everywhere, especially at random.  EVERYONE hates it when people do this. Honestly, I rolled my eyes, a little irritated reading your comment. 
            -With your poems, just do whatever feels right, and make sure it comes from the heart. 
            I'm sorry, this turned out much longer than I planned, but I hope it helps. Please don't stop, if you really enjoy what you do. People will come eventually.


Hey, I'm going to disappear for a week
          I know I've been MIA for awhile anyways, but starting tomorrow for a week,mill be completely unreachable.
          I'll be attending a survival camp, so no showers, no toilets, electronics, wifi, beds, actual food (we pack our own), no clean clothes and it's gonna be either really cold or really hot.
          As nervous as I am, I can't wait! It should be fun tho mozzies are gonna be one hell of a problem. But we'll be bike riding, and kayaking most of the way and those should distract us enough.
          Anyways, feel free to ask me anything, but just keep in mind I won't be able to answer for awhile, but as soon as I get back, I'll be updating (hopefully Watching Movies, Transformation and then Two Sides)
          Well, wish me luck! 
          Till next time!


While I'm here I'm gonna say
          Watching Their Movies-
          Sorry, I know I know...I've become what I loathed the most...a slow updater..for this story anyway
          YES I WILL update it, it's just going to be very slow.
          I am seriously sorry about that
          Two Sides-
          Probably once a week as usual, we're finally starting to see the plot properly start so that's good. I really wanna get to the second book already
          When I can, probably the same time as Two Sides (which is soon)
          I actually have a big plot in mind for this, but I doubt it'll make a sequel...maybe
          Mist between Worlds-
          I'm going to put this on hold till I finish my other stories. It'll be continued some day tho
          In the Dark-
          I have some serious plans for this story, but I've got so much to update, I'm probably gonna put that on hold too until I finish the other stories.
          I might update this one if I get sudden inspiration tho, but not any time soon.
          Till next time!


Hey everyone!
          I've been missing for the last few or more days cause our internet went from TERRIBLE to NON-EXISTENT
          But that's ok, cause now it's REALLY fast so that's awesome. I'm just kinda giddy right now, cause suddenly BAM! I had my internet back
          And all the votes and comments and notifications have showered down and I'm just going through and answering them now
          So, THANK YOU all for that! I love reading comments and getting votes for my work, it always brings up this big dopey smile on my face. 
          Till next time!