
I don't like Spiderman No way Home !!! I don't care If anyone calls me a child for it but I don't like that peter lost everything , WHY !! It's so sad  , I will never see it again 


@Jake_Cub I felt it was fine, although TBH that was probably my least favourite part of the movie. Part of that comes from that i don't think it was set up well and the build up just was not well done.


@Jake_Cub I honestly loved those parts of the movie. Yes he did lose everything, but it was the result of a mess that he unintentionally created. I feel like way too many movies have happy endings of always having the protagonists win. We have been conditioned for this in media, but reality isn't like that. 
          	  Have you played the Spiderman PS4 game? If not, I highly recommend it. The ending will move you for sure! 


Personally I enjoyed the movie despite the ending. The helpful advice of the other spidermrn helped through may and I like to think in secret wars peter 1 meets back up with his spider bros


Hey Jake, let's chat again sometime. Where would be a good place for you now that chat is gone from this site. Thanks!


@Jake_Cub what's a good way to chat with you? Thanks. 