
Season 2 prologue chapter is out! You guys can check it out now!


Hey guys, if you've been wondering why I haven't been publishing a new chapter in my OPM fanfic, it's because I'm focusing on practicing my drawing skills. Right now, I'll only make new chapters if I'm in the mood. That's all, I hope ya'll are having a good day!


Forgot to mention, Happy Valentines Day guys! I hope you guys are having fun with your valentines! Even though I'm single right now, I don't really care, but I do hope I'll find a partner soon :3


@Jaggernuts28 happy Valentine's day my friend, you'll find your soul mate sooner!
            But first take my gift
            (Giving you a heart shaped chocolate box)


Y'know, sometimes I feel proud as an Author (for fun), but sometimes I do feel embarrassed about writing. I know I'm still a rookie, but sometimes I'm getting a little better at it, but I'm still a little, well... How do I put this? Bad? No. Uhmm... Y'know what, maybe bad since I'm still a rookie, but I don't care, I don't give a crap about it, I'm still proud to be an Author (for fun), and I will continue it, it is my passion, but soon maybe I'll take a break from it again. Plus, I thank you guys for following me and liking stories, even though they're not that good, but solid enough. Thank you and have a lovely day/night!


Thank you guys :)


@Jaggernuts28 I respect you, man. I understand that insecurity and you have nothing to be ashamed of. You put a lot of work into your books and I enjoy reading them.


@Jaggernuts28 just felt the embarrassment, don't worry because every author also felt embarassed when published their first story like at first they felt insecure but the more you often published, you felt less of that embarassement. be proud that you can published it as more reader enjoy your story and your passion, I myself also enjoy your story. so yeah keep up fellow author :)


Honestly, I don't know what to make next, I'm over with making fanfic reactions, so I might cancel Saitama Vs. Tatsumaki fight reaction, along with Saitama Vs. Cosmic Garou fight finale reaction. Sorry for the followers that were really waiting for those. Plus, I might retire from making stories now, but I'll come back at making more stories, maybe. I'm glad some of you guys liked or loved my stories! Adios!


@Jaggernuts28 Thanks bro, I'm glad there some people who liked my stories so far.


That’s okay 
            You decide if you feel there’s a drive for another one.
            Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your fanfics so far.


Hey Jaggernut! Something went wrong with the other account!
          I’m going to be re-uploading No Cursed Energy (Saitama x Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic) soon!


Thx. I have all the chapters and everything luckily. I'm about to re-upload them (with a new chapter and an optional intro chapter before 000).


@Jumperxd3 Also, keep up with the good work!


you listen balderdash?


@thefanlox6494 Ooh, okay. Maybe I'll listen to it.


balderdash is a song that is from official Death Battle, it also references about the match between Saitama vs Popeye. The song is epic, you should listen