
Hello to anyone that is reading this section on my profile. Sorry for taking forever and a day with the next few chapters. I'm really busy with everything that is going on in my life right now that I barely have time to even write this part to let you guys know that it should be here shortly. I'm just adding in a little at a time until I can finally post up the next chapter for you all to enjoy. Until then, you could totally re-read my book again and comment to let me know what you all feel


I loved your book, but made me want more. First time in my life I went that far to try to look up if I can find you on other apps. ( and no joy :(  ) If you have other author name it would be highly appreciated to share with us. I hope you didn't give up writing , 9000 people was curious about your book ... It's exactly 9000 more who would read mine . ;) I know it's not Stephen King level but  it's still an achievement, so instead of giving up you should be really proud of yourself!!!! I really hope we're gonna hear from You!