
Hi everyone!
          	So you may have noticed that I didn't post an update to SOULKEEPER last week. I know I didn't (which should give you a hint just how crazy this whole thing I'm about to tell you is).
          	I just started college last week. Yay! I wasn't able to update because I was so excited to start classes, I forgot to. Oops. My bad.
          	That said, I have just begun schoolwork. Remote learning, I would say, is really challenging. There's almost nothing motivating me to do schoolwork. It's not because I don't like doing activities, it’s just that the incentive to do so isn't easily perceivable. And that just sucks.
          	So, in order to get myself in the right mindset, I’ve decided to focus on schoolwork and... put SOULKEEPER on hold.
          	Now, I won't put it on hold forever. Just for a month, so that I could get into the rhythm of remote learning. In my free time, I’ll be writing, so that I’ll have some chapters ready to go in case I don't have time to write them in the future.
          	I hope this is okay with you all. Stay safe everybody! Thanks!


Hi everyone!
          So you may have noticed that I didn't post an update to SOULKEEPER last week. I know I didn't (which should give you a hint just how crazy this whole thing I'm about to tell you is).
          I just started college last week. Yay! I wasn't able to update because I was so excited to start classes, I forgot to. Oops. My bad.
          That said, I have just begun schoolwork. Remote learning, I would say, is really challenging. There's almost nothing motivating me to do schoolwork. It's not because I don't like doing activities, it’s just that the incentive to do so isn't easily perceivable. And that just sucks.
          So, in order to get myself in the right mindset, I’ve decided to focus on schoolwork and... put SOULKEEPER on hold.
          Now, I won't put it on hold forever. Just for a month, so that I could get into the rhythm of remote learning. In my free time, I’ll be writing, so that I’ll have some chapters ready to go in case I don't have time to write them in the future.
          I hope this is okay with you all. Stay safe everybody! Thanks!


Hi guys! I'm sorry to say, I won't be able to publish a new chapter for SOULKEEPER today. I just got swamped with work and, try as I might, I can't squeeze in enough writing to get it done.
          I'll post next week, that's sure, but for this week, I'll have to skip it. Sorry guys :( I'll make it up to you next week, I promise.
          Stay safe!


Hi guys!
          So sorry about the HUGE delay in publishing Chapter 12. Our Internet connection went down for two days, which meant I couldn't post it in time.
          So instead, Chapter 12: Drop will go up tomorrow, Monday at the usual time I put chapters up.
          Thanks for understanding, guys!


Hi guys!
          I won't be able to update today because I'm currently handling my college registration and enrollment. Sorry :(
          But with that said, I might post the next chapter for SOULKEEPER, which is Chapter 12: Drop, tomorrow or the following day. 
          Have a nice day!