
I know what you're asking, "Where the heck have you been?"
          	I have no excuse for you all. I just haven't been writing the way I used to. I sit down with the intention to write and I get halfway through and then I'm distracted.
          	I'll admit that Tate and Hattie's stories have been a lot harder to write than anything else I've done so far. I don't know if it's because of outside stressors or something, but work Tate I had horrible writer's block and with Hattie it just isn't flowing how I saw it in my head. Maybe my lack of worrying has partially been disappointment in myself.
          	With that being said, I'm here, I'm around. I know most of you are used to new chapters and I really do hate to disappoint you. I hope you know how much I love you all and your support! 




Port ranch Christmas has me confused seeing how port ranch is still not done and says book one 


When I looked it came up with the one you have to pick an outcome for the story 


@LindseyArnettTurner unfortunately there isn't a link because it's an app 


Can you send a link 


Is there a reading order for your books? I'm not sure where to start. 


@AbsorbingRuby The books in each series are numbered, but you can start with any stories. Second Generation are TECHNICALLY their own series, but the first generation is part of the Boots Up books that I'm currently moving over from Chapters


I love all your books. I will say the newest series is a bit heavy for me. I had to sometimes take a step back in reading. I think that pausing as you said on Instagram is good if u think the story isn't flowing. It's okay to have a lighter hearted story going also. Keep up the great writing. Ur my favorite writer. 


@RendiPhillips Your great in everything you write. I am working on my 20th short story on the chapters app . I am stuck right now but it's okay cause I am having cataract surgery next week. U inspire me. I love all ur books. 


@RendiPhillips I like to read darker romance stories, but I think I'm better at reading than writing them lol