Guys! I need help. :( I need someone to edit my cover for "How's life with EXO?" I'll pay you with plugs, appreciation and shout outs on my story. I just need one, my covera a hit too dull.Hahahahahha


Guys! I have a new fan fiction. Kai's the main character, hope you give it the same love and support. The title is "TIME." Yeah, are you excited? I got the prologue and the introduction done so what are you waiting for? In a couple of hours I'll be posting chapter 1. Please look forward to it and give it lots of love, or should I say, like, share and vote.  I won't let you down this time. I'm trying my best, so that i can entertain each and one of my readers as possible. Thank you for almost a 12k read on my on going EXO fanfiction! That means a lot!