The Original Heretic, Chapter 14 is re-edited and out now :) Thank you for 300K reads.


Quick Announcement! 
          In relation to the recent situation with Amber Heard, my current face claim for both THE ORIGINAL HERETIC and BLOODLINE, I have officially removed her as the person to represent Aurelia.
          After lots of search, I decided to settle with Margot Robbie as the face of Aurelia, so I hope this change can better your experience as a reader!


          So, I will be changing the name of THE RECURRENCE! The name itself sounded silly, and I thought that the name BLOODLINE would better suit it considering Aurelia's overall story in the book.
          Bloodline can mean family, which connects her to the Gemini Coven and the Heretics. It can also, in the TVD universe, mean the the blood that a vampire had turned on, like how Katherine's blood turned Stefan and Rose's blood turned Katherine, and Klaus' blood turned Rose... and so on.
          I hope it made sense!


          THE ORIGINAL HERETIC HAS OFFICIALLY REACHED 100K READS! Thank you so much for giving my book so much love, it really means the world to me! I didn't think that the book would get more than 5K, and after it hit 1K in June 2019, I didn't expect for it to exceed 10K (but here we are)!  
          THE RECURRENCE also hit a whole 20K recently, thank you so much for that! 
          P.S.: Rewritten Chapter Four will be up soon!


January 20th, 2019: 3 reads 
          January 20th, 2020: 13K reads 
          January 20th, 2021: 97K reads
          Happy 2nd Anniversary to THE ORIGINAL HERETIC! 
          Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 years; I never thought that I'd have progressed as far as I have.
          Thank you so much for all the love and support you've given! I love you all so much, and each vote and comment you make on my book is something that I've always loved to see!