
PSA: since this has been bothering me. I have ZERO artistic talent. None, zip, nada, etc. this gets really annoying when I'm "creating" characters and models for a character, along with weapons for them. So if you see art made by you in my stories, please now I'm not trying to steal (usually it's a concept that I thought of on my own, but I suck at art, so I use the closest thing I can find.) but im not trying to claim it as mine. And if you find it and wish for it not to be there, I will happily remove it. That is all.


PSA: since this has been bothering me. I have ZERO artistic talent. None, zip, nada, etc. this gets really annoying when I'm "creating" characters and models for a character, along with weapons for them. So if you see art made by you in my stories, please now I'm not trying to steal (usually it's a concept that I thought of on my own, but I suck at art, so I use the closest thing I can find.) but im not trying to claim it as mine. And if you find it and wish for it not to be there, I will happily remove it. That is all.


So I'm getting in a phase of writers block, I tried to push through it and keep writing, but the product that came was garbage. So once I feel good about it again, I'll go back, edit, and upload, but I wouldn't expect any updates for awhile...


So I'm into music and such, and I've gone into theory classes. I haven't gone a whole lot into writing things for a purpose, but I thought I'd ask how you guys would feel if I attempted to write some songs/score to help capture the moods of some important chapters?


I haaaaaave absolutely no idea what I'm doing anymore and all my chapters are suddenly becoming a clusterfuck. I promise very soon the RWBY fic will be something back to its actual self very soon, I'm just in a slight hole RN, but I'll give you guys something that's not just the same old dialogue stuff I've been giving recently.


That moment when you write something but it creates a conflict with something you wrote in an earlier chapter so you gotta go rewrite the early chapter. (This is what happens when you don't plan folks)