
OOOH I have the first message on your board AND I'm your first follower :D
          I feel so happy xD I'm so lame. Heh heh
          But first let me just say I totally love your bio! I love laughing. My favorite thing to do ever :3
          And I love God so much and I love that quote! Haha
          Anyways though, so I got braces today -.- And you do not understand how much I hate them. I look so freakin ugly in them and I just want to rip them off my teeth -.- I have to keep them for EIGHTEEN MONTHS. KILL ME NOW. 
          I can't do this. D:
          I mean, I was somewhat pretty before but now. Just no. .-.
          But, so, like, I hope you're having a wonderful day! It's sunny where I am and I should probably go for a run because I just need to exercise haha but in giving myself a break since its braces day. :P
          My boyfriend stars in it as Augustus Waters. c;
          But yeah I like cheese. And I like chimpmunks. They're just so cute c: I got to pet one last week at Washington, D.C. c:
          But I guess I'll stop my blah blah blah now. 
          By the way, how'd you find me? Not to be weird, just curios. But it's so cool you did! :D
          I'm sure well be great friends :D
          Message me anytime :)
          Stay beautiful. <3 xx


Haha! It looks like we'll be awesome wattpad buds!! :) It totally made me smile that you messaged me! :D 
            And alot of my friends and family have braces and I heard braces really hurt and they bother but I believe you'll definitely fight through it. :) 
            And I definitely have seen the Fault In Our Stars! I read the book too and it was probably one of the most tragic books I've ever read! haha! Augustus Waters is seriously the first fictional character I actually really cried over. LOL 
            And it's so awesome that you went to Washington! I wanna visit there one day! How was it? 
            And I found you through writing different tags and you appeared and I'm totally new to wattpad so like, all of this is new to me. haha! Thank you for taking the time to write to me!