
A better video to watch about Article 13


          Don't allow Article 13 to be passed.
          It would restrict what can and can't be uploaded to the internet and restricts media freedom. It affects many online platforms, like Youtube and Facebook, and threatens many content creators. This means you will see less of your favorite creators and/or content.
          Many elected officials who were present during the introduction and voting of Article 13 had no clue what it is about.
          Voting to pass Article 13 will take place in January of 2019. We cannot allow for it to pass. Right now, it would only take place in EU (places like Germany, Poland, UK, France, etc.), but probably will sprwad to other countries outside of the EU.
          Article 13 poses a threat to everyone and must be stopped before it has a chance to be put into affect.
          Please share this information and spread the word.
          Visit the website #SaveYourInternet to get a better understanding:
          #newmode-embed-4348-5886" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://saveyourinternet.eu #newmode-embed-4348-5886</a>