
Hi everyone! 
          	For all you Army’s/Kpop stans, I’ve decided to start writing a fan fiction. It’s a BTS x Reader imagine book. I am taking requests, and when I don’t have much, I plan on writing my own thoughts. I will still continue writing My 6 Loving brothers, but I also wanted to do this too. 
          	Please spread the word, and please comment! I don’t mind if you don’t vote, but I love your comments so much❤️❤️
          	Thank you so much, and have a great day!
          	Izzy :) 


Hi everyone! 
          For all you Army’s/Kpop stans, I’ve decided to start writing a fan fiction. It’s a BTS x Reader imagine book. I am taking requests, and when I don’t have much, I plan on writing my own thoughts. I will still continue writing My 6 Loving brothers, but I also wanted to do this too. 
          Please spread the word, and please comment! I don’t mind if you don’t vote, but I love your comments so much❤️❤️
          Thank you so much, and have a great day!
          Izzy :) 


Hello everyone! FINALLY changed my profile picture! I decided I didn’t want my “13 year old choice of a profile picture” anymore. I hope you all are well, and if you need to talk, I’m here for you! A new chapter will be coming soon!!
          Also, I’ve been thinking about writing a separate book, but making it kind of like a chat room for mental health. What are your guys’ thoughts? 


@Izzy_006 i find it interesting  as well 


I think it’s alright I don’t mind


Guys, “My 6 loving Brothers” is ranked #47 under “loving”! Thank you SO much for all your love and support in this book and my writing! With that being said, all my chapters are edited, and I am currently working on a new one for you guys, and myself! Make sure you keep an eye out for that!
          Also, should I make an instagram account for my writing? I can send you guys updates, and I have a better way to communicate with you guys. Please let me know! The sooner, the better!
          I am here for all of you if you need to talk or anything! Stay safe! ❤️❤️


Good afternoon, everyone! I just updated a new chatter! Please make sure to read the author’s note at the bottom, as I have an important announcement about what I will be doing with this book.  I hope you all have an amazing Halloween! Be safe <3


Hello, everyone! I hope all is well,
          I am in the process in writing a new chapter (yay!!!)! After posting my new chapter, I am going to go through my book, and edit it. I have noticed a lot of typos and grammatical errors throughout my book, and I will also take out some authors notes, or shorten it, edit it, etc. but please know that i will NOT change what is already written so far. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you just want to talk, please reach out to me! I am here for all of you!
          Thank you for all your love and support! :D
          Izzy_006 :)