
“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t” 


Hope everyone is spending time with your loved ones during these days off, if you're by yourself then spend the time doing what YOU love. 
          Quote of the day: Do what is right, not what is easy. 
           Please feel free to share any positive affirmations, we all can use them especially during these tough times that we are all going through.


So after many years…… I am officially back. I have many ideas and want to write many books… however, I need your input! I was thinking of doing a werewolf story to begin…. To test the waters if you will. Please please comment below on what storylines you would be interested in. 
          Glad to be back ! 


Thanks!! I’m excited to be back!! 


@IzzyM99 OMG HAAAAAAIIII welcome back!!