
I'm over four months clean and now I have the urge to reset that but I can't because I'm scared my girlfriend will be upset and I don't want to upset her


this message may be offensive
I was on the bus and the seat I like was taken so I took another seat I kinda liked but then the guy who usually sits there said "it's my birthday" and I'm not heartless so I let him sit there and sat at a different seat but then the girl who usually sits there told me to move and I didn't want to move that time so she told the bus driver on me knowing I'm in 7th grade and the rule is "only 8th graders in the back", so then I got sent to the front for the rest of the year and now I'm crying because I hate it and I wanna fucking die now


@IzzyKaleidoscope i do to unless its my sister who sits next to me


MSI and jazzy fan?


I'm settling it: Math is Blue. English is yellow. Science is green. That leaves History as red.


@P30pl3areSh1t hell no, it's all based on the lighting the teacher chooses, the lighting controls the whole vibe


@IzzyKaleidoscope no math is red, English is blue, history is yellow and science stays as green