
so i have so good news, im not getting ride of The Girl in the Hoodie and im not changing the name of Noah im just gonna let it sit there and try to ignore the fact i wrote i love story about my bestfriend before i new he was going to be my bestfriend. the second good news is im coming out with anew book by sunday hopefully so give it the same love you gave my last book bc i have put my heart and soul into figuring out everything in this book
          	thank you and goodnight my lovess


so i have so good news, im not getting ride of The Girl in the Hoodie and im not changing the name of Noah im just gonna let it sit there and try to ignore the fact i wrote i love story about my bestfriend before i new he was going to be my bestfriend. the second good news is im coming out with anew book by sunday hopefully so give it the same love you gave my last book bc i have put my heart and soul into figuring out everything in this book
          thank you and goodnight my lovess


hii, so i have a real slight tiny winny problem. well as for on of the main characters in "the girl in the hoodie" being actually the name of one  of my really good friends noah johnson, im gonna have to take the book down because knowing that i wrote a book with my bestfriends friend in it makes me feel pretty weird, im quiet unhappy with myself actually cause the book just reached 28k i think so im so sorry for the inconvience and i wish you all the best and for those of you who loved the book, thank you for all the support that its gotten in the comments which i love reading by the way, im so so very sorry


@IzzyAmbrose Why don't you just change the name? I read your book and it was pretty awesome..


im sorry. so sorry. but it's the right thing to do.
          im doing renovations on "The Girl in the Hoddie" because at the moment, it's not meeting my standeds... again im sorry. I will keep most of it but will be changing bits and pieces though, so don't yell at me :) 


Hey! I have a few ideas for The girl in the hoodie, 1) as in the last chapter Alex and Nicky hugged and the other two were looking at them weirdly you could make Alex and Nicky date? 2) you could make it so they decide to move away from where they're living  I hope this might help you for ideas 


@HayleySims005 that's a great idea it, I might consider it